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Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University

Hokkaido College of Pharmacy ( Hokkaido College of Pharmacy is a private university in Japan, founded in 1974, located in Otaru, Hokkaido, and is a single-subject university in pharmacy. It is a one-department university in Otaru, Hokkaido;

Onomichi City University

Onomichi City University (Onomichi Onomichi University is a Japanese public university founded in 1946 in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, with a department of Economics and Information and a department of Arts and Culture. Onomichi University is a public university located in Onomichi, Hiroshima Prefecture;

Tokyo University of Welfare

Tokyo University of Social Welfare (TUFW) is a university in Japan. The University of Social Welfare (TUFU) is a private university in Japan, founded in 2000, located in the Toyoshima district of Tokyo, with departments of social welfare, education, and psychology. It is located in the Toyoshima district of Tokyo;

Shizuoka Prefectural University

Shizuoka Prefectural University ( University of Shizuoka is a public university in Japan, founded in 1987, located in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, with departments of pharmacy, food and nutrition science, and international relations. It is a public university in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture;

Osaka Institute of Technology

Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) is a university in Japan. Institute of Technology (OIT) is a private university in Japan, founded in 1949 and located in Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, with schools of engineering, intellectual property, and information science. It is located in Osaka, Osaka Prefecture;

Matsushima University

Shoin Shoin University is a private university in Japan, founded in 2000 and located in Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture, with departments of Business and Culture and Cultural Communication.

Chiba Prefectural University of Health and Medical Sciences

Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences ( Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences is a public university in Japan, founded in 2009, located in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, with a department of health sciences, including nursing, nutrition, and dental hygiene.

Tsukuba University of Technology

Tsukuba University of Technology (National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology; abbreviated as NTUT; Tsukuba University of Technology) is a Japanese national university located in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, founded in 1987 and upgraded to a four-year university in 2005 for students with hearing/vision impairments.

Yamagata Prefectural University of Health and Medical Sciences

Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences ( Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences is a public university in Japan founded in 2000, located in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, with a department of health care and medical science.

Komazawa University

Komazawa University Komazawa University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1925, located in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, with departments of law, business administration, economics, and literature. It is a private university in the Setagaya district of Tokyo, with departments of law, business administration, economics, and literature;

Online One-to-One Video Education Platform

ClassDo:Online One-to-One Video Education platform is a group of professional technicians founded by a group of Internet education website, founded in 2010, gathering people from around the world to exchange knowledge and culture, to conduct one-to-one online classes, so you can sit at home to learn all over the world knowledge.

The ClassDo website was developed by the three founders Through Classdo's unique online interaction technology, there is no need to install any software, you can communicate via video camera, show lesson plans through file sharing, and all lessons are set by the teachers themselves, and there are both free and paid lessons.

Japan's three major universities

Sandaigaku (Mie Mie University is a Japanese national university founded in 1875 in Tsu, Mie Prefecture, with a long history of specializing in agriculture, forestry and aquaculture. In the 2015 QS Asia University Rankings, Mie University is ranked 161st-170th.

University of Circulation Economics

Circulation Economics University (Ryutsu Keizai University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1965 in Ryuzaki, Ibaraki Prefecture, and established a new campus in 2003 in Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture.

Osaka Prefectural University

Osaka Prefectural University (Osaka Prefecture University is a public university in Japan, founded in 1883 and granted university status in 2005, located in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture. In the 2015 QS Asia University Rankings, Osaka Prefecture University was ranked 137th.

Miyagi University of Education, Japan

Miyagi University of Education) is a Japanese national university located in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, founded in 1873 and separated from the Tohoku University Faculty of Education in 1965.

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