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Chiba University of Commerce

Chiba University of Commerce (Chiba University) is a private university in Japan, founded in 1950, located in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, with faculties of business and economics, service creation, and policy and information.

Kanazawa University, Japan

Kanazawa University, located in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, is a famous Japanese national university established in 1862 and opened in 1949 for university education. Kanazawa University, as the main university in the Sea of Japan region, is also one of the strongest institutions in the Hokuriku region of Japan.

Tokyo Denki University

Tokyo Denki University (TDU) is a private university in Japan, founded in 1949, located in the Adachi district of Tokyo, with departments of engineering and science and technology.

Miyazaki University, Japan

The University of Miyazaki (UoM) is a Japanese national university founded in 2003 and located in Miyazaki City, with departments of education and culture, agriculture, engineering, and medicine. In the 2015 QS Asia University Rankings, Miyazaki University is ranked 160th.

Kyoto Prefectural University

Kyoto Prefectural University (Kyoto Prefectural University) is a public university in Japan, founded in 1949, located in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, with departments of literature, public policy, and life and environment.

Fukushima Prefectural Medical University

Fukushima Prefectural Medical University (Fukushima Medical University) is a public university in Japan, founded in 1944, located in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, with a department of medicine and a department of nursing. It is located in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture;

Japan Garden University

Hanazono Hanazono University is a private university in Japan, located in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, founded in 1949, with faculties of Arts and Social Welfare.

Japan Soon Chun University

Juntendo University (Juntendo University) is a private university in Japan, founded in 1838, located in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. In the 2015 Times Asian University Rankings, Juntendo University was ranked 75th.

Gifu Medical Science University

Gifu University of Medical Science (Gifu Gifu University of Medical Science is a private university in Japan, founded in 1973 and located in Seki City, Gifu Prefecture, with a Faculty of Health Sciences, a Department of Health Technology, a Department of Nursing, and other disciplines. Gifu University of Medical Science is a private university in Gifu Prefecture;

Chubu University, Japan

Chubu Chubu University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1964 and located in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture, with departments of engineering, applied biology, and humanities. Chubu University is a private university located in Kasugai, Aichi Prefecture;

Tohoku University, Japan

Tohoku University, Japan (Tohoku University. Tohoku University is a national research university in Japan, formerly known as Tohoku Imperial University, whose history dates back to 1736, when it was founded as Meilun Yeohito Hall. Tohoku University is one of the best universities in Japan, ranked 5th in Japan in the 2014 Asian University Rankings.

Akita Prefectural University

Akita Prefectural University (Akita Prefectural University is a public university in Japan, founded in 1999, located in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, with departments such as the Department of Systems Science and Technology and the Department of Biological Resources Science. It is located in Akita City, Akita Prefecture;

Shimane Prefectural University

Shimane Prefectural University (The The University of Shimane (Shimane University) is a public university in Japan, founded in 1993, located in Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture, with a comprehensive policy department, a nursing department, and a junior college department.

Meitou City University

Nayoro Nayoro City University is a Japanese public university founded in 2006, located in Nayoro City, Hokkaido, with the Faculty of Health and Welfare and the Faculty of Junior College.

Osaka City University

Osaka City University (OCU) is located in Osaka, Japan. Osaka City University (OCU), located in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, as one of the three old business universities in Japan (the old business university), the other two are Hitotsubashi University, Kobe University. Osaka City University is known for its business studies, with eight faculties: business, law, literature, economics, science, engineering, medicine, and life sciences, and is one of the top national universities in Japan. It is one of the top national universities in Japan. Every year, many of its graduates go on to work for the top companies in Japan, and it is ranked 69th in Asia in the Times Higher Education 2013 Asian University Rankings.

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