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University of Toyama, Japan

University of Toyama (University) The University of Toyama is a national university in Japan, located in Toyama City, established in 1949 as a university, with departments of humanities, economics, science, engineering, medicine and other departments.

Fukui Prefectural University

Fukui Prefectural University (Kanazawa College of Art is a public university in Japan, established in 1992 in Yoshida-gun, Fukui Prefecture, with departments such as Marine Biological Resources, Economics, and Nursing and Welfare. It is a public university in Japan;

Suruga Terrace University

Surugadai Surugadai University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1987, located in Iino, Saitama Prefecture, with departments of law, economics, and cultural information.

Hamamatsu Medical University

Hamamatsu University School of Medicine ( Hamamatsu University School of Medicine is a Japanese national university located in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture, founded in 1974, with departments of medicine and nursing. It is a national university located in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture;

Kyushu Dental University

Kyushu Dental University (KDU) Kyushu Dental University is a public university in Japan, founded in 1949, located in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, with a Department of Dentistry, including the Department of Dentistry and the Department of Oral Health.

Miyagi University

Miyagi Miyagi University is a Japanese public university founded in 1997 with campuses in Yamato-cho, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi Prefecture, and Taihaku-ku, Sendai City, with departments such as the Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Food Science. The University has a Faculty of Nursing and a Faculty of Food Science;

Ryukoku University, Japan

Ryukoku University) is a private university in Japan, located in Kyoto City, was founded in 1639, set up in 1922 as a university, there are departments of literature, economics, law, science and technology and other departments.

Sophia University, Japan

Sophia Sophia University is a private Catholic university in Japan, founded in 1913, with its main campus located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, with departments of theology, literature, law, and science and technology. In the 2015 QS Asia University Rankings, Sophia University is ranked 161-170.

Nanzan University, Japan

Nanzan Nanzan University is a private Catholic university in Japan, founded in 1949 and located in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, with departments of humanities, foreign languages, and economics. It is located in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture;

Toho University

Toho Toho University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1950, located in Ota-ku, Tokyo, is a medical university, with departments of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, etc.

University of Tsukuba, Japan

University of Tsukuba The University of Tsukuba, abbreviated as Tsukuba University, was founded in 1973, is a famous national comprehensive university in Japan, and enjoys a high reputation among more than 700 universities in Japan, ranking in the top 10 in terms of overall strength, while the world's most influential global university rankings QS World University Rankings 2014-2015 ranked among the world's top 200 universities. The top 200 universities in the world.

Tokyo University of Science

Tokyo University of Science (TUS) University of Science) is a private university in Japan, founded in 1881, received university status in 1949. In the 2015 QS Asia University Rankings, Tokyo University of Science was ranked 103rd.

Teikyo University

Teikyo Teikyo University is a private university in Japan, founded in 1966, with several campuses and about 24,000 students, with departments of medicine, pharmacy, and economics. The University has a number of campuses with approximately 24,000 students, including the faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Economics;

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (NUFS) Nagoya University of Foreign Studies is a private university in Japan, established in 1988, located in Nissin City, Aichi Prefecture, with departments of foreign languages and modern international studies.

Wakayama University

Wakayama University) is a national university in Japan, located in Wakayama City, formed in 1949 by the merger of Wakayama Normal School, Wakayama Youth Teachers' School and other schools, under the Department of Economics, Department of Education, Department of System Engineering and other departments.

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