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Programming Code Automatic Review Service Platform

Codacy:Automatic review of programming codes The service platform is an automatic code review service developed by the Portuguese development team to help developers detect bugs in code in a timely manner and improve the quality of software operation, mainly including code quality, syntax specification, functional usability checks.

is actually the outsourcing service of programming development code. For software developers, code review (Code Review) is no stranger, it is an indispensable part of software development, code quality and specification review is generally completed by the team collaboration, for subsequent improvement, unified programming style, the market has a number of web-based collaborative open source code review tools, such as Review Board, CodeStriker, Groogle, Rietveld, etc. Groogle, Rietveld, etc. Functional availability review, is a function to be implemented to carry out the corresponding code test to ensure that the function is running properly, the development environment and many online services provide uninterrupted testing services, the test does not pass will issue an alarm.

Portuguese startup team Codacy is in the business of "code review", focusing on code quality and specification review. However, what Codacy wants to do is not an open source code review tool, but a SaaS platform that provides web-based "automated code review services" directly to developers to review and quality-rate code for specific projects and provide improvement solutions.

Codacy focuses only on detecting bugs in code formatting or syntax specifications, saving developers time on the one hand, and more importantly, allowing developers to focus on more important issues than code style, such as determining whether the code design makes sense in terms of implemented functionality.

Currently, Codacy supports code review for four programming languages: CSS, Scala, Python, and Javascript. After logging into the Codacy platform through a Github or Google+ account, users can manually add new projects locally or import code snippets for review from Github, Bitbucket, and other cloud-based code storage platforms that use the Git code management system.

In terms of security, Codacy creates an SSH key pair for each item added by a user that only Codacy can use, and encrypts tokens (authorization codes) granted by third-party code repositories, as well as sensitive information about the user. Because Codacy's code review service runs automatically, the Codacy team does not view the developer's source code, and the reviewed code is temporarily stored on the Codacy platform and periodically deleted after the review is complete.

In addition, Codacy from the end of internal testing, open to the public on the date to do paid, respectively for individuals (Single), teams (Team) and companies (Company) to provide three payment plans, the product free trial period of 14 days. When I asked if they were worried that it was too early to pay, Codacy founder Jorge said that as a B2B platform, they have borrowed a lot of experience from other platforms in the industry and that the free service does attract more users, but ultimately they want to offer the service to those who want it and are willing to pay for it. However, Codacy does offer free code review services for some open source projects.

Codacy is a platform of tailor-made code patternsdesigned to complement your unit tests; Codacy is 100% git This means you will be able to use it with any git host. Sign in and add a new project manually or directly from your Github repositories.< ;/p>

Codacy automatically applies some patterns to your project andgrades it so you can take a first glance of its health. ll also provide you with all the detailed information required to improve it, effectively helping you tackle your technical debt.

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