

current location:Country > Asia > Taiwan > Government >
Ministry of Defense of Taiwan
Has national defense report, military duty medallion, national defense information, weapon display, military school admissions introduction, military affairs news.
Taipei City Government Global Information Website
Taipei City Government Global Information Website.
Kaohsiung City Government Global Information Website
Kaohsiung City Government Global Information Website.
Chiayi City Hall
Information on municipalities, tourism, industry, commerce, agriculture and livestock, education and culture, and street maps.
Taiwan Central Research Institute
Academia Sinica is the highest national academic research institution in the Republic of China, directly subordinate to the Presidential Office. Its mission includes humanities and scientific research, guiding, liaising, and rewarding academic research, cultivating senior academic research talent, and both scientific and humanities research.
The Presidential Office of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Contains columns for the President and Vice President, press releases, introduction to the Republic of China, presidential organizations and communiqués, inquiries and announcements, and services for the public.
R.O.C. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Global Information Website
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Global Information Website provides information on foreign policy, participation in international organizations, foreign aid and international cooperation, diplomatic countries, various scholarships and grants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, country and region profiles, visa exemptions, passport applications, visa applications, emergency numbers for foreign nationals, embassies and agencies in China, youth working vacations, special diplomatic examinations, diplomatic volunteers ...
My E Government
Taiwan e-Government Portal.
Keelung City Government Global Information Website
Keelung City Government Global Information Website.
Department of Taxation, Ministry of Finance, Taiwan
Provide central and local tax regulations and related interpretations, as well as unified invoice winning number list.
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