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1111 Manpower Bank
1111 provides you with a complete job search and talent pipeline, full-time, part-time, work-study, tutoring, outsourcing, mid-to-high level, dispatching and other diversified employment solutions to meet all your needs!
9999 Pan Asian Human Resources Bank
Provides companies to recruit, free employment, job search, resume registration and job inquiry, job market information, etc.
138 Manpower Bank
138 Human Resources Bank - Taiwan job hunting website, services: full time, part time, part time, outsourcing and other services.
Taichung County Government's job hunting and talent hunting website, providing job hunting and talent hunting information, news and vocational training news in Taichung area.
China Times Human Resource Network
Provides job search, resume registration, aptitude test, industry and market trends, and job market news.
Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan
Labor Council, providing labor-related laws and regulations and labor relations, labor welfare, labor insurance, labor safety and health, labor inspection, and labor statistics.
Human resources website, providing enterprise seeking talents, talent seeking, human resources consultant, education and training, talent evaluation and other services.
Executive Yuan Youth Counseling Committee
YAF related information and employment services, including youth entrepreneurship, vocational training, career counseling, and post-secondary job-seeking and talent services.
Taipei City Employment Service Center-Taipei Talent Bank
Produced by the Employment Service Center of the Bureau of Labor Affairs of Taipei City Government, it provides free information on job hunting, career counseling, vocational training, and employment study classes.
United Manpower Network
United Manpower is the website of human resources bank founded by the Chinese newspaper, United Newspaper.
1212 Manpower Bank
1212 Manpower Bank is the most humane, convenient and equal manpower bank.
Asia Talent Network
Asia Talent Network is planned and set up by Chinachem Human Resources Management Consulting Co.
Cheers Happy Worker Magazine
Make you a superior competitor in the workplace.
104 Manpower Bank
Taiwan's most professional human resources service provider, the largest database of human resources website.
MyJob Manpower Bank
MyJob Human Resources Bank - the largest free job search and talent search company in China.
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