

Why the official website of the poverty documentary

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brief introduction

WhyPoverty: Why The Poverty Documentary website is a documentary film exploring the causes of poverty in the world, produced by the international non-profit organization STEPS INTERNATIONAL, which is a cross-media project involved in a collaborative production effort to broadcast a series of documentaries exploring poverty in the 21st century in tandem with the world.

"Why Poverty? Steps previously promoted Why Democracy? (Why Democracy?) Why Poverty? The project is based on the idea of using the film to stimulate public discussion on the issue of poverty; the project is also co-sponsored by the BBC and DR, both of which are major partners and promoters of the project.

The project invited documentary filmmakers from around the world to make eight one-hour documentary episodes on the common theme of "Why Poverty", so that the world can think about poverty together and explore the past and future of the one billion people living in extreme poverty worldwide. The documentary series was released in November 2012. The documentary series has been broadcasted worldwide since November 2012, and more than 70 TV stations including PTS in Taiwan, BBC in the UK, PBS in the US, NHK in Japan and RTHK in Hong Kong have joined the joint broadcast, with an estimated total audience of more than 500 million people.

The following is the first eight parts of the content of the introduction, in fact, the official website there is a follow-up documentary, but the length of the film is shorter.

1、Title: When We Were Poor In Together (PTS)

We Have Been Poor (RTHK)Poor Us, An Animated History Of Poverty(BBC)

Directed by Ben Lewis

Produced by Femke Volting & Bruno Felix

Production Company: Submarine Pictures

Synopsis: Although the poor have always been with us, attitudes toward The attitude towards the poor has changed. Ben Lewis's film begins in the Neolithic era and takes us through the changing world of poverty. You go to bed and have a dream that you are poor no matter what time you are in. When you wake up, what do you think about poverty? Of course, there are still people who are poor, but this new poverty is mostly related to the inequality between the rich and the poor...

2. Title: Human Beginnings, Sexual Poverty (PTS) Four Born Every Second (BBC)

Director: Brian Hill< ;/p>

Production: Rachel Tierney

Production Company: Century Films

3. Title: Money, Power And The American Dream (PTS)

Park Avenue (RTHK) Park Avenue, Money, Power And The American Dream (BBC) American Dream (BBC)

Directed by Alex Gibney

Produced by Blair FosterProduction Company: Jigsaw Productions

Synopsis: At 740 Park Avenue, New York

No. 1 is home to a group of America's top billionaires. A 10-minute drive north, across the Harlem River, is another section of Park Avenue in the South Bronx. More than half of the residents here are on food stamps, and children are 20 times more likely to be killed. Over the past 30 years, the wealth gap in the United States has skyrocketed, and many Americans now believe that the "American Dream" (AmericanDream) only applies to those who have the money to lobby politicians to pass favorable bills on Capitol Hill.

4. Title: The Plowman Has No Field (PTS)

Land Hegemony (RTHK) The Great Land Rush (BBC) Directed by Hugo Berkeley & Osvalde Lewat

Produced by Eli Cane

Production Company: Normal Life


Synopsis: 75% of the population of the African country of Mali (Mali) is farming. But the rich countries, which are in desperate need of land, have rented Mali's farmland to turn large areas of land into agribusiness farms. Many Mari farmers did not welcome this approach, still believing it to be a reappearance of imperialism. After the military coup in Mali, the developers were scared away, but can the farmers in Mali overcome the food shortage and avoid poverty by themselves?

5. Title: Rock Save Poverty (PTS)

Donate Money (RTHK) Give Us The Money (BBC)Directed by Bosse Lindquist

Produced by David Herdies

Production Company. Momento Film

Synopsis: From Live Aid concerts to aid the hungry in Africa, to the Make Poverty History solidarity campaign, in which rock musician Bob Giedof (Bob

Geldof) and Bono, celebrities have become anti-poverty activists. But have their concerts and solidarity activities really lifted millions of people out of poverty? In the film, Giedolfo, Bono and Bilguez talk about effective lobbying and how to appeal to the weaknesses of politicians who seek publicity and popularity.

6, Title: Way Out (PTS/RTHK) China's Ant People (BBC)

Director: Chen WeijunProducer: Don Edkins

Production Company: Steps International

Synopsis& amp;lt;/p>

In ancient China, studying was the only way out of poverty, but today it is the best way out. China's economic take-off, coupled with the saying that talent is the only way to get rid of poverty, makes people think that studying can get rid of poverty. But today's education system in China only a few people can find a job, producing a new generation of unemployed and desperate.

7. Title: Solar Mamas (PTS/RTHK) Solar Mamas (BBC)

Director: Mona Eldaief & amp; Jehane Noujaim

Produced by Mette Heide

Production Company: Plus Pictures Synopsis: Rafea (Rafea) is a Bedouin (Bedouin) second wife. She wants to make a better life for herself and her children. BarefootCollege is recruiting middle-aged women from poor communities who have never studied and training them to become solar technicians, bringing electricity and jobs to the community. We follow Rafia as she overcomes obstacles to become a solar technician and change her life.

8, Title: The Thief (PTS)

The Thief (RTHK) Stealing Africa (BBC)Directed by Christoffer Guldbrandsen

Production Company: Guldbrandsen Film Synopsis: In a quiet town in Switzerland, the wealthy residents have more tax revenue than they can spend. This is the gift of a resident: Glasenberg (IvanGlasenberg), the world's largest commodity trader Glencore (Glencore) CEO. Glencore's copper mines in Zambia, Africa, are not generating a lot of tax revenue for Zambians. Zambia has the world's third-largest copper reserves, but 60 percent of the country's population earns less than $1 a day and 80 percent are unemployed.

Why the official website of the poverty documentary
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