

Online E-Commerce Product Recommendation Engine

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brief introduction

Predictry:Online Predictry:Online is a powerful recommendation search engine that helps large e-commerce sites to improve user satisfaction and product sales by adjusting the algorithm of the recommendation engine for each site to provide relevant product recommendations to customers, promoting user experience and improving product sales.

If you want to buy a turban from My Crescent If you want to buy a turban in the My Crescent store, then you may also want to pair it with a brooch. But we can't keep showing brooches all the time, or it becomes a hard sell. We need to add weight to certain items, but we can adjust the algorithm to maximize click-through rates.

Predictry targets a variety of targeted e-commerce sites, ranging from food delivery services to travel sites. Predictry's target market is small and medium-sized businesses, as well as fast-growing e-commerce sites that may not have the resources to build their own recommendation engines.

For the average e-store, the effectiveness of this recommendation tool depends on the detail of the product description, the number of product labels or the hyperlink of the product. In order to provide relevant product recommendations, Predictry's engine will track the pages customers have entered, record their browsing and purchasing behavior, and it will also extract relevant information from the social network accounts provided by users.

Online E-Commerce Product Recommendation Engine
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