

current location:Type/Industry > Life > Leasing >
Hong Kong House Network
Online listing, property search, rental property search, real estate agent, real estate and other information. Large selection of commission free properties, rental properties, etc.
Midland Group
Midland Realty (HKSE 1200) - Hong Kong real estate agent, services include property sale and purchase, real estate news, new property promotion, property market analysis, map, online property search and transaction record, etc.
Hong Kong Serviced Residence
List of serviced apartments in Hong Kong, including rentals and hotel websites. Rooms can be booked online.
Hong Kong Wen Wei Po - Property
Hong Kong Wen Wei Po Property Report.
Hutchison Whampoa Properties
Includes company profile, building rental and sales information, and services.
Soufun (Hong Kong) property website
Hong Kong Property Information.
Hang Yip Property - Wanted Shop
Shops for sale and rent in Hong Kong.
Jones Lang LaSalle Hong Kong
As the world's leading real estate services company, Jones Lang LaSalle is committed to providing strategic, fully integrated services to owners, users and investors.
Tim Tate - Property Agency & Property Search
Timtec Property Agency and Property Search.
Henderson Land Development Co.
Operating in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Includes group profile, financial reports, information on construction operations and related systems, and building rental and sales information.
Danish homes for sale website.
9,000 homes for sale.
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