The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH) is an Israeli scientific research organization established in 1961 by the Israeli government and located in Jerusalem to promote the study and development of science and humanities in Israel.
Premier Cord Blood Bank, a leading source of stem cells in India, is located in Gurgaon, India and was created in 2006. The cord blood bank is dedicated to the collection, processing and storage of cord blood stem cells for private cord blood storage services. It has always been Premier's goal to become the largest cord blood stem cell bank in India, and Premier Cord Blood has also undertaken many pioneering initiatives in the field of philanthropy.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) is a non-governmental international academic organization founded in 1922 under the auspices of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). IUPAP is a non-governmental international academic organization founded in 1922 under the umbrella of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), which receives funding. It has an executive committee and professional committees, and its congresses are held every three years.
Institut Pasteur is a French non-profit research institute founded in 1887 and headquartered in Paris, dedicated to research related to biology, microbiology, diseases and vaccines.
The International Federation of Surveyors (French: Fédération Internationale des Géomètres, abbreviated as FIG) is an international scientific organization founded in 1878 to promote international cooperation in surveying and its application in various fields.
The Italian Space Agency (ASI) was founded in 1988 under the management of the Italian Ministry of Science and Technology, under the Research Department of the University of Education, and is mainly responsible for the organization of space exploration and development. Headquartered in Rome, it has a relatively small staff of more than 100 people.
The European Physical Society (EPS) is a physics research society based in France, founded in 1968, whose members include national physics societies in more than 40 European countries, as well as individuals who have made outstanding contributions to physics. EPS publishes the journal European Journal of Physics.
Founded in 1635, the Académie Française is a long-established academic authority, one of the five academic academies of the Institut Française, whose main task is to regulate the French language and protect the various arts. The Academy is composed of forty members, and it is a great honor to be elected as a member of the Academy, which is the highest authority in the French academic world. The members of the Académie Française are the most prestigious, and it is logical that they should be called members of the Académie Française, as well as the other four academies. The members of the Academy work to maintain the clarity and purity of the evolving French language, specifically, to regulate the correct use of the language through the compilation of a dictionary of fixed language usage, and to achieve this goal through their recommendations and participation in the various committees that define the terminology
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is an international scientific organization founded by Pakistani Nobel Laureate in Physics, Abdul Salam, and located in Trieste, Italy. It is located in Trieste, Italy.
The Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA) is a world-renowned research institute founded in 1967. It has eight research centers in the fields of computer science, control theory, and applied mathematics. It has eight research centers;
The Académie des sciences (French Academy of Sciences) is one of the five academies founded in 1666, and is home to a group of outstanding French scientists and scientists associated with France. The French Academy of Sciences does not have a research institute.
Founded in 1939, the CNRS is the largest basic research institute in France and in Europe (similar in function to the Chinese Academy of Sciences). CNRS has more than 1,200 research institutes, more than 90% of which are mixed research units, especially in association with institutions of higher learning, of which 40 laboratories are open to the public, 30 research groups have close international ties, and 15 international joint laboratories have been established. There are 15 international joint laboratories.
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (RDSL) is a Danish non-governmental scientific organization founded in 1742 in Copenhagen, with research interests in history, geography, linguistics, and natural sciences. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (RDSL) is a Danish scientific NGO founded in 1742 in Copenhagen.
The California Academy of Sciences ( The California Academy of Sciences is one of the world's largest natural history museums, founded in 1853 and located in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, is a natural museum that integrates education, exhibition, and research.
The Fundamental Physics Breakthrough Prize is the world's largest physics prize, established in 2012 by Russian physicist and entrepreneur Yuri Milner as the Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation to honor scholars engaged in fundamental physics research. The Foundation for Fundamental Physics is designed to recognize scholars engaged in fundamental physics research.
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