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Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Social, Brazil.
Jamaican Embassy in China
The official website of the Embassy of Jamaica in China provides you with valuable information about Jamaica, thus enabling you to learn more about its rich history and culture as well as its colorful customs and traditions. The website is available in both English and Chinese, showcasing the extensive and mutually beneficial cooperation between Jamaica and China and the profound friendship between the two peoples.
Jamaica Government
Jamaica government website.
Vanuatu Government
Vanuatu Government Official Website.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Vanuatu
Contains economic and trade news, business information, general information of Vanuatu, policies and regulations, Sino-Vanuatu cooperation, enterprise directory, market research, economic and trade institutions, and investment information.
Embassy of the Republic of Vanuatu
Contact information for the Embassy of the Republic of Vanuatu.
New Zealand Government Online is your guide to finding government information, services and contacts online.
Chinese Embassy in New Zealand
Includes information on embassies, news updates, talks by Foreign Ministry spokespersons, bilateral relations, consular affairs, economic and trade relations, education and study, etc.
New Zealand Embassy in China
Provides information on New Zealand's profile, tourism, business and visas.
New Zealand Ministry of Education
The official website of the New Zealand Ministry of Education.
New Zealand Inland Revenue Department
The official website of the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department, all resources for business, personal and professional tax needs.
New Zealand Jobs and Income Agency
Work and Income New Zealand provides help for people looking for work.
Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Auckland
Provides consular information and visa services, and introduces related cultural, educational, and business information.
New Zealand Trade Development Council
New Zealand Trade Development Council official website.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in New Zealand
Provides New Zealand business news, supply and demand information.
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