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Instituto Cervantes

The Instituto Cervantes is a Spanish non-profit organization founded in 1991 and headquartered in Madrid and Alcalá, which is responsible for promoting the Spanish language and culture in the Spanish-speaking region.

Italy visa application in Chinese official website

iTalyvac:Italy Visa The Italian visa application website is an online service provided by the Italian company VFS to help Chinese residents to apply for a short-term residence visa in Italy and a permanent visa to provide a convenient service to support the application of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou cities, the types of Italian visas are tourist visas, business visas, visas to visit relatives and friends, work visas and so on, so choose the right type of visa to apply for visa chances of getting a visa will be The chances of getting a visa are much higher.

The Italian Visa Application Center website provides complete Information is available in the Application Center, Kernel Matrix, Visa Application Form, Visa Fees, Application Processing, Embassy Notices, Frequently Asked Questions, etc. to facilitate the preparation of visa documents and to make the application process more convenient.

First, go to the embassy website and find the type of visa you want to apply for (I ended up with a tourist visa), find the checklist that matches your visa type, and prepare the documents according to the list.

Italian Classification Society_RINA

Italian Classification Society (Registro Italiano Navale; abbreviated as RINA) is the founding member of the International Association of Classification Societies, founded in 1861, is one of the world's earliest established classification societies, headquartered in Genoa, the business includes ship classification certification, food, machinery and other products The business includes ship classification certification, food, machinery and other products inspection, maritime field professional technical training, quality, environmental certification, etc.

Third World Academy of Sciences official website

Third The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), founded in 1983 by Pakistani physicist and Nobel Laureate in Physics, Professor Abdus Salam, is dedicated to supporting scientific research activities in developing countries, promoting exchanges and cooperation among researchers and research institutions in developing countries; encouraging research on problems in the Third World To promote the development of basic and applied science in the third world.

TWAS is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit international scientific It has its headquarters (secretariat) at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. It is composed of Founding Fellows, Prospective Founding Fellows, Fellows, Prospective Fellows, Corresponding Fellows, and Prospective Corresponding Fellows. The Fellows are elected from leading scientists in Third World countries and regions.

The General Assembly of Academicians of the Third World Academy of Sciences is usually held every two years, and the 1987 General Assembly was held in Beijing; as of 2003, a total of 626 Academicians from 77 countries and regions participated. The first Science Award was established in 1985 to honor scientists from third world countries who have made outstanding contributions to the field of science.

Consulate General of China in Marseille

The website is the official website of CONSULATE-GENERAL OF CHINA IN MARSEILL, which mainly provides the introduction of the Consulate, the latest news, the speech of the Consul General, consular services, special topics, consular services, announcements, etc. The website is available in Chinese and French. The website is available in Chinese and French.

French Government

This website is the official website of the French government (Portail du Gouvernement) and provides an overview of the country, government institutions, industry information navigation, news, government forums, relevant links, etc. The Republic of France (English: The Republic of France; French: République francaise; abbreviation: France) is located in Western Europe, the capital and seat of government is Paris, the official language is French, the implementation of semi-presidential republican system, the President is the head of state, the Prime Minister is the head of government.

European Council

Council of Europe (also known as: the EU Summit or the EU Summit) is the highest decision-making body in the EU, established in London on May 5, 1949, mainly to determine the EU's general policy, especially in foreign policy. The European Council is composed of the heads of state or government of the EU member states, the President of the European Council, and the President of the European Commission. Every five years, a new President of the European Commission is also appointed by the European Council.

International Dance Committee

The International Dance Council (English: International Dance Council; French: Conseil International de la Danse; abbreviated as CID) is an international non-profit organization founded in 1973 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. CID is an international non-profit organization founded in 1973 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, dedicated to the inheritance and presentation of the art of dance.

World Chess Federation

The World Chess Federation (French: Fédération Internationale des Échecs; abbreviated as FIDE; abbreviated as FIDE) is an international sports organization founded in 1924 and headquartered in Paris, with the main mission of organizing chess world championships, and being responsible for the development of international chess tournaments. Its main mission is to organize chess world championships, to set the rules of chess, and to calculate the ranking of players.

The French Institute

The Institut de France is an authoritative French academic institution founded in 1795, consisting of five faculties: the Institut de France, the Institut de France, the Institut de France, the Institut de France, the Institut de France and the Institut de France Humanitaire, in addition to many museums and castles for visits.

Latin Union

Latin Union (Latin Union; Latin: Unio Latina) is a non-governmental international organization founded in 1954, headquartered in Paris, France, composed of countries that use Latin languages, including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, etc. Its main objectives are The main purpose of the organization is to protect and plan the common cultural heritage of the Latin-speaking world and to promote its integration.

International Social Science Council

The International Social Science Council (ISSC) is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1952 and headquartered in Paris, France. The International Social Science Council is dedicated primarily to the promotion of social science and its application to major contemporary issues.

International Federation of Foosball

The International Table Soccer Federation (ITSF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of the sport of table soccer, headquartered in France. The official website of ITSF provides information on table soccer rules, player rankings, etc.

Association française de la culture

Alliance française is a French non-profit organization founded in 1883, headquartered in Paris, with related organizations in more than 130 countries and regions around the world, mainly responsible for the promotion of French language and other French culture.


The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (previously abbreviated as UFI) is an international non-profit organization founded in 1925 and headquartered in Paris, France, and is the most representative association of the world's expo industry. Association.

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