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Ministry of Immigrant Visa, Pakistan

The website is the website of the Pakistan Department of Immigra and Passports ( The Pakistan Department of Immigra and Passports website provides services related to passport issuance, visas, Pakistani nationality and proof of Pakistani nationality. It is worth noting that the Pakistan Department of Immigra and Passports is a subsidiary of the Pakistan Ministry of Interior and does not have its own official website.

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in China

The website is for the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in China (Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan). The website is the official website of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Beijing (Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Beijing; abbreviated as: Embassy of Pakistan in China), which mainly provides the introduction of the Embassy, the latest news, an overview of Pakistan, China-Pakistan relations, major news events and contact information, etc. The website is available in both Chinese and English.

Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in China

The website is the official website of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in China. The website is the official website of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in China, mainly providing the introduction, overview and latest news of the embassy, as well as news, consular services, photo gallery, tourism, business, and Saudi-Chinese relations. The website is available in both Chinese and Arabic.

Spanish Government

This website is the official website of the Spanish government (La Moncloa) and provides an overview of the country, the president, government institutions, and current news. The website is available in Spanish and English. The Kingdom of Spain (abbreviation: Spain) is located in the southwest of Europe, the capital and seat of government is Madrid, the official language is Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician in some areas enjoy official language status. Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with the king as head of state and supreme commander of the armed forces, representing the state. The throne is inherited by the direct descendants of Juan Carlos I. The king appoints the prime minister, who leads the government in the exercise of executive power. The King appoints the Prime Minister, who leads the executive power of the government;

Chinese Embassy in Mongolia

The Chinese Embassy in Mongolia ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN MONGOLIA)Related Information:
Address: C.P.O. BOX 672 ZALUUCHUUDYN URGUN CHULUUU 5, ULAANBAATAR, MONGOLIA& amp;lt;br> Country code: 00976-11
Switchboard: 320955, 323940, 311903
Fax: 311943
Mobile: (Country code only) )
Sponsor: 99119159
Consul: 99112578
Courtesy: 99112438
Business Office: 99112398[email protected]

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Chinese Consulate General in Karachi

The Chinese Consulate General in Karachi (Pakistan) The Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Karachi (Pakistan) Information:
Consul General: Zhang Jianxin
Country Code: 0092-21
Label Room: 35874266 35373010 (fax)
Research Office: 35874087
Cultural Affairs Office: 35835432
Business Office: 34530523
Fax. 35874381
Email: [email protected]

Organization of Islamic Conference

Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC; abbreviated: Islamic Conference) is a regional political organization of the Islamic State government, officially established in May 1971, with its secretariat in the city of Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its highest authority The highest authority is the Council of Islamic Heads of State. Its purpose is to promote economic, social, cultural and scientific cooperation among member states; to work to eliminate apartheid and racial discrimination and to oppose all forms of colonialism; to support the Palestinian people in their struggle to regain their national rights and return to their homeland; and to support the Muslims in their struggle to safeguard their dignity, independence and national rights.

Qatar Foundation

The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QFESCD) is a non-profit organization in Qatar, established in 1995, which focuses on It is dedicated to investing in education, science and community development, including university cities and technology parks.

Afghan Women's Revolutionary Association

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (the The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) is the most influential women's rights organization in Afghanistan, founded in 1977 by Meena (assassinated in Pakistan in 1987), an Afghan woman of knowledge, and headquartered in Kabul, Afghanistan. As an independent political/social organization fighting for human rights and social justice for Afghan women.

Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques de France

The Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS) is a French scientific institution founded in 1958 to conduct research in mathematics and theoretical physics, and is a member of the University of Paris-Saclay.

World Medical Association_WMA

The World Medical Association (WMA) is an international medical association founded in 1947 and headquartered in Ferney-Voltaire, France, with more than 100 medical organizations and over 10 million physicians as members. The WMA is mainly dedicated to promoting free exchange and cooperation among its members and improving medical professional competence.

International Union of Biological Sciences_IUBS

The International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) is a non-governmental academic organization founded in Brussels, Belgium, in 1919 as a member of the International Council for Science, and holds a congress every three years. The IUBS is a non-governmental academic organization founded in Brussels, Belgium, in 1919. It is a member of the International Council of Science and holds a congress every three years;

Official Website of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Aseansec:Southeast Asian Countries The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an alliance of ten countries in Southeast Asia, which has become an intergovernmental, regional and general organization of countries. It promotes active cooperation and mutual assistance between regions, and maintains close and useful cooperation with international and regional organizations.

ASEAN pursues the purpose of: in the spirit of equality and cooperation, to accelerate regional development through joint efforts. In the spirit of equality and cooperation, we will accelerate regional economic growth, social progress and cultural development through joint efforts; increase active cooperation and mutual assistance between regions, and maintain close and beneficial cooperation with international and regional organizations.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for short. ASEAN's predecessor was the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which was established in Bangkok on July 31, 1961 by Malaya (now Malaysia), the Philippines, and Thailand, with its secretariat in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

As of August 2011, there are 10 ASEAN member states (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam). The summit is the highest decision-making body of ASEAN, held twice a year, has become the most important mechanism for ASEAN countries to discuss regional cooperation plans, the chairmanship of the member countries in turn.

The objectives are to maintain and strengthen peace, security and stability in the region; to keep the region free of nuclear weapons, to support democracy, the rule of law and constitutionalism, and to provide a just, democratic and harmonious peace environment for the residents of ASEAN; to work for the construction of economic integration, to build a stable, prosperous and unified ASEAN market and production base, and to realize the freedom of goods, services and investment. To realize the free flow of goods, services and investment, and promote the free movement of business people, skilled personnel and labor; to enhance cooperation and mutual assistance, eliminate poverty in the region, and narrow the gap between the rich and the poor; to strengthen the development of human resources, encourage the participation of all sectors of society, and enhance the sense of the ASEAN family.

Government of Indonesia

The website is the official website of the Indonesian government (Portal National Republic Indonesia) and provides an overview of the country, the president, the cabinet, laws, leadership statements, residences, news and more. The website is available in Bahasa Indonesia and English. The Republic of Indonesia (abbreviation: Indonesia) is located in Southeast Asia, the capital is Jakarta, the official language is Indonesian, the implementation of the presidential system, democratic republic, the President is the head of state, the highest administrative head and the highest commander of the armed forces.

Consulate General of China in Lavagh

Consulate of the Philippines,CONSULATE OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN LAOAG Information:
Address:No 216 National Highway, Sanfan Township, San Nicolas County, Ilocos Norte, Philippines No 216 National Highway, Brgy. 1, San Francisco San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte 2901, Philippines)
Country Code: 0063-77 Consular Duty Tel: 0063-9178051226,
Documents, Overseas Chinese Tel: 6706601
Fax: 6706338< br> Email: [email protected]

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