

current location:Type/Industry > Agency > Government >
Macao Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau
The website of the Macao Civil Administration, including information on the structure, statutes, common telephone numbers, complaint enquiry hotlines, city and transportation guides, etc.
Macao Labor Affairs Bureau
The Labor Affairs Bureau is a public department of the Macao SAR responsible for assisting in the formulation and implementation of policies on labor, employment, occupational safety and health, and vocational training.
Macao Special Administrative Region Court
Contains information on the various levels of courts, the Judges Committee, and the Court of Final Appeal.
Macao Civil Aviation Authority
The Civil Aviation Authority of Macao is a public institution with administrative, financial and property autonomy and is subordinate to the Department of Transport and Public Works. It is responsible for directing, controlling and monitoring civil aviation activities related to Macau and the international airspace under its jurisdiction, in accordance with the instructions of the Macau SAR Government.
Ministry of Defense of Taiwan
Has national defense report, military duty medallion, national defense information, weapon display, military school admissions introduction, military affairs news.
Taipei City Government Global Information Website
Taipei City Government Global Information Website.
Kaohsiung City Government Global Information Website
Kaohsiung City Government Global Information Website.
Chiayi City Hall
Information on municipalities, tourism, industry, commerce, agriculture and livestock, education and culture, and street maps.
Taiwan Central Research Institute
Academia Sinica is the highest national academic research institution in the Republic of China, directly subordinate to the Presidential Office. Its mission includes humanities and scientific research, guiding, liaising, and rewarding academic research, cultivating senior academic research talent, and both scientific and humanities research.
The HKSAR Government's portal for public information and services.
Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption
Hong Kong ICAC, the anti-corruption agency that works through enforcement, prevention and education. Introduction to the history, responsibilities and structure of the organization.
Hong Kong Police Force
Official website of the Hong Kong Police Force.
Hong Kong Transport Department
Provides information on traffic and transport in Hong Kong.
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department manages all public recreational, sports, cultural and arts-related facilities in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau
The Hong Kong Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau comprises the Commerce, Industry and Technology Branch, the Communications and Technology Branch and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.
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