

current location:Type/Industry > Agency > Government >
Government of Rwanda
The official website of the government of Rwanda.
Nigeria Investment Promotion Board
Official website of the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Contains an overview of Nigeria, Sino-Nepalese cooperation, market research, etc.
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Namibia
Philippine Government
Official website of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.
Thailand Parliament
The official website of the Thai Parliament.
Thailand Immigration Department
The Immigration Department of Thailand is an administrative agency under the Ministry of Home Affairs of Thailand, responsible for airport port immigration and visa matters. Its official website provides information on Thailand, visa applications, and immigration policies.
South African Revenue Service (SARS)
Official website of the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Contains economic and trade news, business information, Cote d'Ivoire overview, policies and regulations, market research, China-Cooperation, enterprise directory, business travel services, Cote d'Ivoire highlights, experience Africa, etc.
Government of Mauritius
The official government website of the Government of Mauritius, providing related information and resources, government members, ministries, statistics and other related services.
Nigerian Government
Official website of the Nigerian government.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Namibia
Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Namibia.
Chinese Embassy in Algeria
Contains information on ambassadors, embassies, Sino-Arab relations, consular services, economic and trade cooperation, going to Algeria, vegetable gardens, related links, contact us.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Angola
Includes Angola overview, investment and economic and trade guide, business information, An economic and trade information, company directory, investment information, etc.
Philippine Senate
Official website of the Philippine Senate.
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