

current location:Type/Industry > Agency > Government >
Presidency of the Italian Republic
Website of the Presidency of the Italian Republic.
Italian Prime Minister's Office
Website of the Italian Prime Minister's Office.
Italian Immigration Authority
Website of the Italian Immigration Authority.
Italian Ministry of Defence
Italian Ministry of Defence website.
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research
Website of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Italian Presidency
Website of the Italian Presidency.
Italian Ministry of the Environment
Italian Ministry of the Environment website.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Italian Republic
Contains economic and trade dynamics, market information, Italian profile, policies and regulations, market research, enterprise directory.
Italian Ministry of Health
Italian Ministry of Health website.
Italian Parliament
The official website of the Italian Parliament.
Italian Ministry of Justice
Italian Ministry of Justice website.
Milan City Council official website
The official website of Milan City Council.
Italian National Social Security Institute
The official website of the Italian National Social Security Institute.
German Federal Government
German federal government website, learn the latest news of the federal government.
Berlin Official Chinese Website
Berlin official Chinese website, provides German capital Berlin political, economic, science and education, culture, tourism and so on information.
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