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Seoul City Hall
The official website of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, which includes not only a comprehensive introduction to the administrative and business areas of Seoul, but also a variety of information on the economy, tourism, arts, culture, and education. This website provides instant and quick access to various events held and conducted in Seoul recently.
Embassy of Korea in China
Korean embassy in China official website, includes embassy introduction, Korea-China relations, Korean enterprise information, consular information, education information.
Ministry of Education, Korea
Korea Ministry of Education official website.
Busan City Hall
The official website of Busan Metropolitan City, which provides information on the administration, culture, and tourism of the area.
Cheong Wa Dae, Korea
Cheong Wa Dae is the official residence of the President of Korea. It has a presidential office, a reception hall, a meeting room, and a living room, as well as a secretariat, a police room, and a welcome building. The most distinctive feature of Cheong Wa Dae is its green tiles, and the first thing you see when you arrive at Cheong Wa Dae is the green tiles of the main building. The main building of Cheongwadae is backed by Mount Bukyok, and the green tiles and the curved roof are very beautiful together. Just as Cheongwadae represents Korea, the green tiles and the curved roof represent Cheongwadae.
Macao Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
The functions of the Macao Education and Youth Affairs Bureau include: implementing education and youth policies; developing various types of education and providing the necessary conditions for the good operation of educational institutions; ensuring the implementation of the principle of continuous education and the right to education for all residents; encouraging and developing training that contributes to the promotion of culture and the harmonious integration of young people into society, etc.
Macau Social Security Fund
Contains information on unemployment assistance, training courses, unemployment benefits and welfare payments.
Macao Port Authority
Including the introduction of Port Authority, Macau port, navigation information, vessel license and registration, etc.
Macau Foundation
was formed in 2001 by the merger of the former Macau Foundation, established in 1984, and the Macau Development and Cooperation Foundation, established in 1998. The Macau Foundation is a public legal entity with administrative, financial and property autonomy, whose purpose is to promote, develop and study cultural, social, economic, educational, scientific, academic and charitable activities in Macau, as well as activities aimed at promoting Macau.
Macao Department of Land Works and Transport
Management of land management planning, traffic, infrastructure, transportation field.
Government of Mongolia
Official website of the Mongolian government.
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mongolia
Includes information on embassies, China-Mongolia relations, consular services, economic and trade exchanges, science, education and culture, and about Mongolia.
Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Mongolia
Contains economic and trade news, business information release, Mongolia introduction, policy and law, market research, China and Mongolia cooperation, enterprise directory, business travel service, investment information.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Cameroon
including economic and trade news, business information, Cameroon, policies and regulations, Sino-Caribbean cooperation, enterprise directory, business travel services, etc.
Ugandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uganda.
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