

current location:Type/Industry > Agency > Government >
The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia
Contains information on embassies, bilateral relations, consular services, economic and trade exchanges, culture and education, news updates, understanding Malaysia, etc.
Malaysia Ministry of Transport
Official website of the Ministry of Transport of Malaysia.
Ministry of Finance, Malaysia
The official website of the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia.
Malaysian Prime Minister's Department
The official website of the Prime Minister's Department of Malaysia.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia
Contains business information, bilateral dealings, China-ASEAN, exhibition information, Malaysia profile, policies and regulations, China-Malaysia cooperation, etc.
Malaysia Intellectual Property Office Official Website
Responsible for regulating and overseeing issues or matters related to intellectual property.
Singapore Ministry of Education
Singapore Ministry of Education website, contains comprehensive education news, related links and education information.
Ministry of Manpower Singapore
Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM) is the government department responsible for foreign labor force management, and is divided into four divisions by function: Labor Relations, Labor Welfare, Labor Policy, and Administrative Services, as well as the Central Provident Fund Board and the National Wage Council.
Singapore Tourism Board
Singapore Tourism Board website.
Embassy of the Republic of China in Singapore
Provides information on embassies and related services, and introduces Sino-Singaporean relations and related cooperation.
Housing Development Board of Singapore
The Housing Development Board (HDB) is a government agency responsible for the planning, construction and management of residential new towns in Singapore.
Singapore Trade Development Board
The Singapore Trade Development Board (STDB) has five major commercial departments - Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Enterprise Capability Development and Trade Promotion - that operate to assist Singapore-based companies in developing their businesses.
Singapore Inland Revenue Department
Singapore Inland Revenue Department website.
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore
The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (ACRA) provides facilities to search for companies registered in Singapore, allowing searches to be conducted by registration number or business name.
Singapore Police Department
Singapore Police website.
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