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Government of India Web Site Directory
Directory of Indian government websites.
Image of India
Information Network to the Government of India.
President of India
Website of the Indian Presidency.
Indian Revenue Department
The official website of the Indian Revenue Department.
India National Portal
This is the official portal of the Government of India, designed, developed and hosted by the National Information Centre (NIC), the premier ICT organization of the Government of India under the aegis of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. The objective behind the portal is to provide a single window of access to the information and services provided by the Government of India to its citizens and other stakeholders. The portal has attempted to provide a comprehensive, accurate, reliable and one-stop source of information about India and its various aspects.
Prime Minister of India
Website of the Prime Minister of India, content managed by the Prime Minister's Office.
Ministry of Education Malaysia
The official website of the Ministry of Education of Malaysia.
Malaysia Ministry of Agriculture
Malaysia Ministry of Agriculture website.
Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia
The official website of the Ministry of Human Resources of Malaysia.
Ministry of National Defense, Malaysia
The official website of the Ministry of Defense of Malaysia.
Malaysia Ministry of Public Works
Official website of the Ministry of Public Works of Malaysia.
Malaysia Industrial Development Board
To promote and coordinate the development of Malaysian industry.
Malaysia Public Service Commission
Malaysian Public Service Commission website.
Malaysia Immigration Department
The Malaysian Immigration Department is the government department responsible for immigration matters for Malaysian citizens, permanent residents and foreign visitors. The main functions of the Malaysian Immigration Department are: issuing passports and travel documents to Malaysian citizens and permanent residents; issuing visas and allowing foreigners to enter Malaysia; and enforcing national immigration laws, entry regulations and passport laws.
Singapore Government
Official website of the Singapore government.
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