

current location:Type/Industry > Agency > Government >
Spain Royal
Royal Spanish Website.
Spanish Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Spanish Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs website.
Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Website of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Spanish Parliament
Spanish Parliament.
Chinese Embassy in Spain
Including introduction to embassies, China, Sino-Western relations, economic and trade cooperation, culture and technology, education, consular affairs, and notes on travel to Spain.
Spanish Ministry of Finance
Website of the Spanish Ministry of Finance.
Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, Spain
Website of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
Ministry of Education and Science, Spain
Website of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.
Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food website.
Swedish Migration Board
Swedish Migration Board website.
Swedish Government
The official website of the Swedish government.
Embassy of Sweden in China
Swedish Embassy in China, provides services for Swedish citizens, visa and passport matters, China-Sweden relations, and business.
Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for foreign policy, international development cooperation, international trade policy, international law, human rights, immigration and asylum policy, trade and investment policy, information about Sweden abroad, and Swedish consular affairs.
Swedish Royal Family
Swedish Royal Family.
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Sweden
Includes information on embassies, China ABC, visa and passport matters, China-Sweden relations, business, etc.
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