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Federation of International Airlines_FAI

The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) is the international governing body for air sports and aeronautical engineering, founded in 1905 and headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, which regulates the standards of air sports. Founded in 1905, the FAI is an international governing body for aeronautical sports and engineering, headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland;


The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (abbreviated OPEC) is an international trade organization founded in 1960 and headquartered in Vienna, Austria, whose members are mainly The main purpose of OPEC is to coordinate and unify the oil policies and prices of member countries and to protect oil revenues.

Turkish Publishers Association

The Turkish Publishers Association ( Turkish Publishers Association (TPA) is a publishers' association with more than 300 members in Turkey, founded in 1985, whose aims are to promote the development of the publishing industry in Turkey; to solve problems in the industry; to cooperate with government departments and some official and unofficial associations; to combat piracy; to clear obstacles to freedom of publication; to promote cultural, literary, and artistic progress; and to promote the development of the arts. The aim is to make Turkey an international publishing center; to seek social support for the development of the publishing industry and to encourage reading.

The Turkish Publishers' Association is a member of the International Publishers Association (IPA). The Turkish Publishers Association is a member of the International Publishers Association (IPA). The association organizes Turkish publishers to participate in large international book fairs such as Frankfurt Book Fair; organizes the Freedom of Expression and Publishing Award every year; hosts Istanbul International Book Fair, Izmir Book Fair, and other international book fairs. It also hosts the Istanbul International Book Fair, Izmir Book Fair, Bursa Book Fair, Konya Book Fair, Turkish Publishing Congress and other events.

The Association's organizational structure is divided into General Assembly (General Assembly), Executive Board (Executive Board), Audit Committee (Audit Committee), Honours Committee (Honours Committee, and Committees. The Professional Committee consists of the Cultural Publishing Commission, Importers Commission, Educational Publishers Commission, Professional Publishers Commission, and Digital Publishers Commission. Academic Publishers Commission), Digital Publishers Commission (DPC).

European Federation of Booksellers official website

The publishing industry association is the development of the publishing industry to a certain The publishing industry association is a product of the development of the publishing industry to a certain stage in history, and also a product of the political, economic, cultural and legal development of society to a certain stage. Western publishing industry organizations emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries, after the technology of movable type printing became more popular, publishing productivity gained greater development, and the social influence of publications became more widespread.

European Booksellers Federation (EBF) The European Booksellers Federation (EBF) is an international not-for-profit trade association based in Belgium. Founded in 1968, formerly known as the European Booksellers Association (Groupement des Associations de Libraires de la Communauté européenne), the name was changed to its current name in 1994. The purpose of the EBF is to represent the interests of European booksellers, to enhance the image of booksellers, to strengthen ties with various booksellers' organizations and to assist national booksellers' associations in their work.

Booksellers Association is mainly composed of book sellers, is the main association in the field of book distribution, such as the American Booksellers Association, the British Booksellers Association, the French Book Federation, the Russian Association of Book Sellers, the Canadian Booksellers Association, the Japanese Publishing and Distribution Association, etc..

Due to the different historical backgrounds of countries around the world, the establishment and development of the publishing industry associations are not the same mode. In Europe, the publishing industry associations established earlier: the earliest prototype of the French publishing industry associations are called peer associations (Corporation), established in 1618; the British publishing industry associations can be traced back to the 18th century publishing industry associations; German booksellers and publishers association was founded on April 30, 1825, the predecessor of the " Leipzig German Publishers Association".

No matter what historical legacy the publishing industry association has inherited, with the historical development and social progress, the publishing industry association has not been satisfied with the role of domestic market competition and market order maintainer, but also is becoming the external market development and rights protection advocate.

National Defence Canada

The Department of National Defence (English: Department of National Defence, French: Ministère de la Défense nationale) is a Canadian government department established in 1923 to take charge of Canada's national defence and to oversee the Canadian Forces. It is responsible for the national defense of Canada and the Canadian Forces. The Department of National Defence (English: Department of National Defence, French: Ministère de la Défense nationale) is a Canadian government department established in 1923 and is responsible for the national defence of Canada;

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental international economic organization composed of countries with market economies, founded on September 30, 1961. The OECD aims to jointly address the economic, social and governmental challenges of globalization and to seize the opportunities it brings.


The European Space Agency (ESA) is a European intergovernmental space exploration organization founded in 1975, headquartered in Paris, France, with its main launch center located in French Guiana, South America, mainly launching satellites and conducting launch vehicle tests and launches.


The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1946 and headquartered in Paris, France, and is an organization concerned with museology and the management and operation of museums.

International Film Producers Guild_FIAPF

The International Association of Film Producers (French: Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films; abbreviated as FIAPF) is an international industry organization founded in 1933. Headquartered in Paris, France, it currently has 38 member organizations (July 2017). The FIAPF is accredited to about 50 film festivals, including the Shanghai International Film Festival.

Centre national d'études spatiales, France

The Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) is a French space research organization founded in 1961 and headquartered in Paris, with its main launch base at the Guiana Space Center.

International Automobile Manufacturers Association official website

OICA: The International Automobile Manufacturers Association is a OICA is a world-class automotive organization, the only international organization and representative federation of the global automobile manufacturing industry; formed by the world's automobile manufacturers, with members on all five continents; the World Automobile Organization was founded in 1919 and is headquartered in Paris. The United States, Germany, Japan, France, Italy, Korea, India, Russia, Brazil and more than 40 major automobile production countries, and has been widely recognized by the relevant organizations around the world.

OICA publishes and publicizes the policies and positions of the global automotive industry, studies common problems facing the sustainable development of the automotive industry, promotes technological innovation in the automotive industry, participates in the United Nations ECE/WP29 international automotive technology regulation-making activities, publishes global automotive production statistics, and organizes and arranges international automotive exhibitions. The conference also organizes and arranges international automotive exhibitions.

The International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers was founded in Paris in 1919. It is known as the "Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles" (OICA).

The organization's membershipcomprises 35 national trade associations around the world, The organization's membershipcomprises 35 national trade associations around the world, including all major automobile manufacturing countries, thereby covering virtually the entire motor vehicle industry all over the world.

The organization maintains permanent committees which conduct activities in the fields of technical affairs, In addition, theOrganization's Exhibition Committeecoordinates international motor shows .

Official website of the French Statistics Agency

(INSEE) official website with information on a variety of related fields such as demographics, business and economic indices, and access to several databases on related fields as well as publications and research reports published by INSEE. The official INSEE website contains information on a variety of related fields such as demographics, business and economic indices.

French Immigration Service

The French Immigration Service specializes in processing immigration and non-immigration applications, entry and exit of foreigners, border patrols, arrest and deportation of illegal aliens, refugee screening, punishment for illegal employment, etc.

European Space Official Website Official European Space Agency The website was established by European nations to provide and promote cooperation in space research, space technology and applications among European nations for peaceful purposes, formerly the European Space Research Organization and the European Spacecraft Launch Vehicle Development Organization.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing and promoting cooperation among European nations in space research, space technology and applications for peaceful purposes. The European Space Agency (ESA) is a European intergovernmental space exploration and development organization, headquartered in Paris, France. The European Space Agency includes non-EU countries such as Switzerland and Norway. ESA has a total staff of about 2,200 (2011). The launch center is the Guiana Launch Center in Guiana, France. Due to its proximity to the equator, it is more economical to launch satellites into geosynchronous orbit (less fuel required for the same mass). The control center is located in Darmstadt, Germany.

The European Space Agency currently has 18 member states, which are Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. France is its main contributor. Romania signed the accession agreement in January 2011, becoming the 19th member state. The European Space Agency signed an agreement with the Polish government in September 2012, accepting Poland as the 20th member state of ESA.

ESA works closely with other international organizations in Europe, in particular with the European Union and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), which are increasingly active in space activities, on future meteorological programmes. In addition, it follows the work of many specialized agencies of the United Nations.

Brunei Prime Minister's Office

The website for The Prime Minister's Office Of Brunei Darussala (The The Prime Minister's Office Of Brunei Darussala is the official website of the Prime Minister's Office of Brunei Darussala, providing an overview of the Prime Minister's Office, government agencies, news, and related links. The website is available in Bahasa Malaysia and English.

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