

current location:Type/Industry > Agency > Government >
Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Website of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, providing news and information, including the Prime Minister, presidential programs, actions and decisions, publications, and links to state and local government agencies.
Kazakhstan's Presidential Palace
The official website of the Presidential Administration of Kazakhstan, providing news and information about presidential duties, including events, speeches and administration.
Kazakhstan Ministry of Defense
Kazakhstan Defense Ministry website.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan
Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan.
Congress of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Congressional news and information, including event regulations, laws, constitution, and history.
Kazakhstan Ministry of Finance
Website of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan Supreme Court
Website of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan.
The Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Official Cambodian government website, providing information on leadership, political appointments, national statistics, and government departments.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia
The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia.
Ministry of Interior of Cambodia
Ministry of Interior of Cambodia (the Immigration Department and the Police Department are under this Ministry).
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Contains economic and trade news, business information, Cambodia profile, policies and regulations, market research, enterprise directory.
Chinese Embassy in Cambodia
Official website of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Chinese Embassy in Nepal
Contains news and dynamics, China-Nepal relations, embassy introduction, tourism, culture, economic and trade information.
Nepal Government
The official website of the Nepalese government, providing contact information for all government departments and related government information.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nepal
Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal, including bilateral relations, Nepalese foreign policy, and contact information.
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