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Philippine Bar Association

The Philippine Bar Association (PBA) is the earliest voluntary organization of lawyers in the Philippines, founded in 1891 with the purpose of enhancing the transparency of Philippine law.

Official website of the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam

is the highest military administration of Vietnam, under the General It is responsible for the military command, political and ideological education, logistic supply, technical support and military industrial production and operation of the whole army.

Vietnam's armed forces consist of the regular army, local forces, reserve forces and the People's Liberation Army. The Ministry of Defense's 2011-2015 army building program aims to increase the military and defense industrial forces, and Vietnam's defense budget in 2011 reached about $2.6 billion, a 70 percent increase over last year.

VietnamRailways|Vietnam Railway Transport Bureau

The Vietnam Railway Transport Bureau is operated by the state-run railroad company Vietnam Railways operates a network of five main lines that link the north, central and south of Vietnam, connecting the capital city of Hanoi with the North-South Railway in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam's largest city. The total length of Vietnam's railroad network is 3,147 kilometers, including 2,670 kilometers of railroad lines and 477 kilometers of railroad extensions.


The Vietnam Railway was built in the 1880s during the French Indochina period, as the first railroad in Vietnam, the Saigon-Tibet tram was opened in 1881. In the early 20th century, Vietnam's railroad construction was strongly supported by the French Indochina Governor Paul Dumet, and the construction of the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and the North-South Railway started in this period, of which the construction of the North-South Railway took more than 30 years to 1936 before the entire line was opened to traffic.

After that, during the Second World War, the First Indochina War, and the Vietnam War, the Vietnamese railroad system was severely damaged by the war. Since the implementation of the "innovation and opening up" from the late 1980s, Vietnam's national economy has recovered rapidly and has been developing rapidly, but the transportation infrastructure is still at a relatively backward level, and the main problems that have plagued Vietnam's railroads for a long time include backward railroad equipment and technology, serious lack of capital investment, and inefficient management systems.

Since the 2000s, the Vietnamese government has promoted the reform of the management system of the railroad transportation system and has used government development assistance funds (ODA) provided by the international community to accelerate the modernization of Vietnam's railroad system. In addition, Vietnam is planning to build railroads connecting Laos and Cambodia from the center and south respectively, in response to the ASEAN's proposed Trans-Asian Railway construction plan.

Penang Bar Association

The Penang Bar Committee (PBC) is the most influential bar association in the Philippines, whose members are all from Penang, and aims to unite the Filipino bar to defend its rights and promote fairness and justice in the law. The organization has a certain degree of exclusivity.

UAE Government

This website is the official website of The United Arab Emirates Government (UAE), providing information on the functions of the federal government departments, public services and political activities. The website is available in Arabic and English. The United Arab Emirates (The United Arab Emirates; abbreviated: UAE) is located in the eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, the capital and seat of government in Abu Dhabi, the official language is Arabic, the federal system, the federal Supreme Council of Chiefs is the highest authority, the UAE's highest official is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

International Cricket Council

The International Cricket Council (ICC) is an international sports organization founded in 1909 and headquartered in Dubai, which is primarily responsible for international cricket affairs.

The Embassy of Mongolia in China

The website is the official website of the Embassy of Mongolia in China ( Embassy of Mongolia in China is the official website of the Embassy of Mongolia in China, which mainly provides the introduction of the Embassy, its profile, latest news, information on consular services, Mongolia-China relations, news, etc. The website is available in Chinese, Mongolian and English.

Iranian Leader

This website is the official website of The Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran, which mainly provides an introduction to the Iranian leader, current political news, the latest news of the leader, etc. The website is available in 12 languages, including Farsi, Arabic, Urdu and English. Iran is an Islamic republic, and the Supreme Leader is the highest religious and political leader of the country.

Israel Space Agency

The Israel Space Agency (ISA, abbreviated as ISA) is an Israeli governmental space agency founded in 1983, headquartered at Palmach Air Force Base, and part of the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, primarily responsible for Israel's space research mission.

Economy|Israeli Government Economic Department

The Israeli Ministry of Economy (Ministry) The Ministry of Economy is the government department responsible for commerce, industry and labor in Israel, established in 1948, initially named the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and then underwent several mergers and name changes, eventually forming the current structure.

The Israeli Ministry of Economy plays an important role in policy making and has initiated several projects to In 2015, Israel ranked 22nd in the world with a GDP per capita of $35,700.

Chinese Embassy in Pakistan

Ambassador of China to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Library (EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OFCHINA IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN) Related Information:
Tel: 0092-51-8255059 (on duty) 0092-51-8255016 (Consular Department)
Fax: 0092-51-2872708

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Consulate General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Shanghai

The site is the Consulate General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Shanghai The website is the official website of the Consulate General of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Shanghai (Consulate General of Brazil in Shanghai), providing an introduction, general information and the latest news of the Embassy, as well as information on Turkish foreign policy, Sino-Turkish relations, major news events, investment information, etc. The website is available in Portuguese, English and Chinese.

Chinese Embassy in Saudi Arabia

The Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA)Related Information:
Address:Circle No.5 Diplomatic Quarter, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Arabia
Mailbox: P.O.BOX 75231
Zip Code: Riyadh 11578, Saudi Arabia
Country Code: 00966-1& ;lt;br> Tel:
Duty: 2812083
Office: 2812083
Courtesy: 2812084
Consul: 2812090
Political Office: 2812080
Military Office: 4832820
Business Office: 4655655
Fax: 2812070 (Embassy) 4807849 (Military Attaché's Office)
4629617/2933670 (Commercial and Trade Office)
Email: [email protected]

Chinese Embassy in Qatar

The Chinese Embassy in Qatar ( EMBASSY OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE STATE OF QATAR)Related Information:
Address: 8105 West bay lagoon street,West bay area,Doha,Qatar, 17200
Mailbox: 17200
Email: [email protected]& amp;lt;/a>
Phone: 00974-44934203, 44934204
Fax: 00974-44934201

Georgian Immigration Office

The website is the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia ( The website is the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, which provides information on visa, immigration and emigration services in Georgia.

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