- Vietnam Recruitment Network
- Mạng Việc Làm - Over 100,000 records and nearly 1 million jobs.
- Monster Singapore
- Monster Singapore, the world's leading job site, provides employment and job search information, including job vacancy search, interview tips and resume information.
- Best Jobs Singapore
- Singapore job hunting and recruitment website.
- Mynavi
- Japan's largest job site with abundant job information from all over Japan.
- yahoo!Japan-Recruitment
- A job search site provided by Yahoo Japan.
- Japan Employment Agency Internet Service
- Job search, employment insurance, helper's allowance, and information about the labor market provided by employment agencies throughout Japan.
- Japan's largest part-time job recruitment website.
- incruit
- Korea employment portal site.
- Macau Talent Network
- Macao talent network -- Macao recruitment network (Macao talent market), this site provides a large number of Macao talent, Macao recruitment, Macao talent recruitment information, powerful job information database and recruitment information database for Macao job recruitment to provide more and better choices.
- Harrow good work network
- Harrow Good Jobs is the leading job search website in Macau, search and apply for Macau job vacancies now!
- 1111 Manpower Bank
- 1111 provides you with a complete job search and talent pipeline, full-time, part-time, work-study, tutoring, outsourcing, mid-to-high level, dispatching and other diversified employment solutions to meet all your needs!
- 9999 Pan Asian Human Resources Bank
- Provides companies to recruit, free employment, job search, resume registration and job inquiry, job market information, etc.
- 138 Manpower Bank
- 138 Human Resources Bank - Taiwan job hunting website, services: full time, part time, part time, outsourcing and other services.
- Takejob得意工作網
- Taichung County Government's job hunting and talent hunting website, providing job hunting and talent hunting information, news and vocational training news in Taichung area.
- China Times Human Resource Network
- Provides job search, resume registration, aptitude test, industry and market trends, and job market news.
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