

current location:Type/Industry > Industry > Recruitment >
Vietnam Recruitment Network
Mạng Việc Làm - Over 100,000 records and nearly 1 million jobs.
Monster Singapore
Monster Singapore, the world's leading job site, provides employment and job search information, including job vacancy search, interview tips and resume information.
Best Jobs Singapore
Singapore job hunting and recruitment website.
Japan's largest job site with abundant job information from all over Japan.
A job search site provided by Yahoo Japan.
Japan Employment Agency Internet Service
Job search, employment insurance, helper's allowance, and information about the labor market provided by employment agencies throughout Japan.
Japan's largest part-time job recruitment website.
Korea employment portal site.
Macau Talent Network
Macao talent network -- Macao recruitment network (Macao talent market), this site provides a large number of Macao talent, Macao recruitment, Macao talent recruitment information, powerful job information database and recruitment information database for Macao job recruitment to provide more and better choices.
Harrow good work network
Harrow Good Jobs is the leading job search website in Macau, search and apply for Macau job vacancies now!
1111 Manpower Bank
1111 provides you with a complete job search and talent pipeline, full-time, part-time, work-study, tutoring, outsourcing, mid-to-high level, dispatching and other diversified employment solutions to meet all your needs!
9999 Pan Asian Human Resources Bank
Provides companies to recruit, free employment, job search, resume registration and job inquiry, job market information, etc.
138 Manpower Bank
138 Human Resources Bank - Taiwan job hunting website, services: full time, part time, part time, outsourcing and other services.
Taichung County Government's job hunting and talent hunting website, providing job hunting and talent hunting information, news and vocational training news in Taichung area.
China Times Human Resource Network
Provides job search, resume registration, aptitude test, industry and market trends, and job market news.
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