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MSN Japan - Video
MSN Japan video channel, contains business news, entertainment, lifestyle, car and other videos.
GyaO! Store
In the GYAO! store, movies, TV series, anime, variety shows, documentaries and other videos are being released. From the latest hits to the most acclaimed masterpieces are being released one after another.
Provides comprehensive information on movies, TV, actors, directors, theaters, and TV show reviews and ratings.
NATE Movie Channel.
Korean Film Archives
Korean Film Archive (KFA) is the only film archive in Korea that covers the whole country, and was established in Seoul in 1974. As a non-profit organization, its main responsibilities are film collection and classification, film preservation, restoration, film digitization, film projection, etc. It also provides citation access services, such as publication of academic resources, operation of an online database of films, and retrieval of Korean film resources. In 1976, it joined the International Federation of Film Archives (IFA) and received its full membership in 1985.
Korea NAVER website video channel, the easiest and fastest way to watch video.
YouTube Korea
YouTube Korean video site, provides music, sports, games, movies, TV programs, news, hot spots and other video.
Yahoo Chima-Media News
Watch the latest video and audio news on Yahoo Chima News. Find breaking news and news videos.
MSN Taiwan-AV
provides entertainment, news, novelty, travel, sports, health, military and other video.
YouTube Taiwan
Provides free video uploading and sharing services.
MSN Taiwan - Entertainment
Go online for movies, music, TV, celebrity photos to MSN Entertainment, message discussion, celebrity calendar and netizen interaction, can also watch movie trailers, mv premieres.
China Times News Network - Entertainment
China Times News Network Entertainment Channel.
PChome News - Entertainment News
Provides the latest entertainment news. was established at the end of 2009 and is a Chinese website dedicated to providing the latest Korean entertainment information to 1.4 million users per month (until February 2011), providing the first information on Kpop, Korean dramas, movies, press conferences and concerts. The content is mainly interviewed and filmed by our Korean company TVdaily, and we also cooperate with media and experienced fans in Greater China to bring you the news of Korean stars' overseas activities.
friDay AV
friDay AV is an AV platform that provides movies, drama and live TV viewing.
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