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Community Bank of New York

New York Community Bank (New York Community Bank; abbreviation: NYCB) New York's largest community bank, is also the fourth largest community bank in the United States, to provide leading savings services and family loan services known, originated in 1859, then known as Quinsigamond County Savings Bank; December 15, 2000 to become the current name; in 2014 the global corporate 2000 ranked 1109.

Halk Bank

Halkbank, a leading Turkish bank, was founded in 1938 and is headquartered in Ankara. Halkbank was ranked 659th in the Global Business 2000 in 2014.

EIB|European Investment Bank official website

The European The European Investment Bank (EIB) is a policy bank funded by the EU member states, headquartered in Luxembourg, whose purpose is to promote the realization of the EU's policy objectives, mainly for the following four areas of investment: innovation and skills development, small and medium-sized enterprise development, climate change projects and strategic infrastructure development in the EU countries.


The main internal objectives of the EIB are to promote European integration, the balanced development of the EU, and the economic and social cohesion of the Member States. The main external objective is to invest in projects outside the EU in accordance with the development assistance or cooperation programs signed between the EU and third countries, to support the development of local private enterprises, to help build social and economic infrastructure and to participate in projects to combat climate change.

To support economic development and job creation, the EIB invests in four main areas: innovation and skills development, SME development, climate change projects, and strategic infrastructure development in EU countries. To achieve maximum results, the Bank provides loans for high-quality projects, combines EU funds with our loans and gives technical and financial advice. To support economic recovery in Europe, the Bank implements the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) program. By the end of 2016, the EIB had invested €30.2 billion in the fund program, mobilizing a total investment of €163.9 billion and completing 52% of the three-year economic program with a total volume of €315 billion.

AK Bank

AKbank is a Turkish bank founded in 1948, originally located in Adana and now located in Istanbul, providing SME, corporate and private banking services, foreign trade financing and other services, with branches in Germany, Dubai, Malta and the Netherlands.

Bank of Pochoyola

Pohjola Bank is known as the "strongest bank in Finland" and is also ranked by rating agencies as the most reliable bank in Finland, with total non-performing assets of 0.6; it is ranked 1015th in Forbes' 2014 Global Corporate Forbes ranked the bank 1015th among the top 2000 global companies in 2014.

Swed Bank Sweden Commercial Bank

Swedbank is A Scandinavian-Baltic banking group located in Stockholm, Sweden, formerly known as the First Swedish Savings Bank, founded in 1820 and renamed in 2006.

Swedbank offers retail banking, asset management, financial and other services. Swedbank currently has 400 branches in Sweden, 257 in the Baltic States and 220 in Ukraine. In addition, the bank serves Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, Kiev, Luxembourg, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Shanghai, St. Petersburg and Tokyo.

Danske Bank

Danske Bank is the largest bank in Denmark , founded in 1871 and headquartered in Copenhagen, provides financial services such as banking, insurance, and investment management. It has subsidiaries such as Focus Bank, National Irish Bank, Northern Bank, and Sampo Bank.

OTP Bank

OTP Bank (OTP Bank) Hungary's largest financial institution with a stable supply of capital, ranked 1271st in the Global Business 2000 in 2014.

National Bank of Moldova

The National Bank of Moldova ( The National Bank of Moldova is the central bank of Moldova, established in 1991 and headquartered in Chisinau, and is responsible for issuing the legal tender, the Moldovan lei, and implementing appropriate monetary policy.

First Capital Investment International Group

Capital One Investment International Group ( Capital One Financial Corp; abbreviation: First Financial; Capital One) is a well-known U.S. multi-national financial group, focusing on international trade, project development, investment banking, fund management, credit cards, auto loans, home loans, savings, personal credit, insurance and other businesses, headquartered in Delaware, with Charles Schwab, Deutsche Bank of Commerce, and the United States. The company is headquartered in Delaware and has extensive cooperation with Charles Schwab, Deutsche Bank of Commerce and other Fortune 500 companies.

Nordea United Bank

Nordea (NORDEA; also known as Nordea Bank) is a highly influential financial group in the Nordic and Baltic regions, established on February 27, 1995 and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

Poland Savings Bank

PKO Bank Polski (PKO BP) is the largest bank in Poland, providing financial services to personal and business customers, and was ranked 623rd in the 2014 Global Business 2000 list.

Ulster Business Bank official website

Ulster Bank of Ireland ( Ulster Bank is a large commercial bank and one of the four traditional Irish banks, founded in 1836 and headquartered in Dublin. Ulster Bank was acquired by Westminster Bank in 1917 and later became part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group in 2000.

Ulster Bank has 146 branches in the Republic of Ireland, with a presence in Northern Ireland. 146 branches in the Republic of Ireland, 90 branches in Northern Ireland and over 1,200 ATMs, and the bank is one of four banks in Northern Ireland that can issue sterling currency. As of 2013, the bank had 3,250 employees and 1.9 million customers.

Bank of Cyprus

The Bank of Cyprus (Bank of Cyprus) is the largest bank in Cyprus.

Vatican Bank

Vatican The Vatican Bank, also known as the Bank of Religious Affairs, is a private bank not open to the public, responsible only for the management of the financial assets of the Vatican, and was founded in 1942 under the patronage of religion.

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