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Daily News
The Mainichi Shimbun, one of the top five national newspapers in Japan.
excite news
Provided by the Japanese excite website, the content also includes various aspects of economy, politics, entertainment, sports, etc.
goo news
Contains social, business, international, political, sports, arts and culture news.
Kobe News
A regional newspaper that focuses on news in Hyogo Prefecture.
Korea United News Service
United News Agency is the only national news agency in Korea with a network of news and communications in major cities around the world.
Macau News
The main focus is on current affairs and the economy, published on weekends.
America Taiwan Daily
Americas Taiwan Daily Online.
Google News Taiwan Edition
Google News Taiwan version.
FHM Men's Gang - International Chinese Version
FHM man help international Chinese version.
Manager Monthly
The most practical management knowledge exchange and learning platform for managers, providing supervisors and office workers with professional work ethics and career advice, accompanying leaders to manage organizations, lead teams, and improve performance.
TEERR Fun News
The hottest and most interesting news.
East Asia Daily
The online version of Korea's East Asia Daily, providing Korea-related news and editorials, as well as news search services.
Korea Economic Daily
News, securities, economy, finance, real estate, industry, international, politics, society, sports, culture, etc.
World Journal
The Segye Times.
Jingxiang News
Kyung Hyang Daily News (Kyung Hyang Daily News).
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