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New York Public Library

The New York Public Library (The New York Public Library, abbreviated as NYPL, is one of the world's largest libraries, established in 1895, with a collection of approximately 53 million books and other items, including such notable collections as the Gutenberg Bible and Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.

Hugo Award

The Hugo Award (Hugo Award) is The Hugo Award is a prestigious award in the science fiction community, which has been awarded since 1953, and is organized by the World Science Fiction Association and presented annually at the World Science Fiction Convention.

The Australian and Chinese History Museum

The Australian-Chinese History Museum (Chinese The Chinese useum is a unique tourist attraction in Melbourne's Chinatown, built at the initiative of Don Duhstan, and showcases the hardships and entrepreneurial experiences of early Chinese immigrants in Australia in a variety of ways.

Building an Australian-Chinese history museum to showcase Chinese history The proposal to build an Australian-Chinese history museum to showcase Chinese history was first proposed by a respected Australian, Don Duhstan, Chairman of the Victorian Tourism Authority. After receiving strong response and support from all sectors of the community, the Victorian government donated 240,000 Australian dollars, and then purchased an old warehouse building built in 1890 in Melbourne's Chinatown as the site of the museum, after more than a year of renovation, preparation, and officially opened to the public in November 1985.

The AHM is mainly used to collect, study and exhibit the historical relics of the early Chinese in Australia, and a pair of huge stone lions in front of the AHM embodies the traditional Chinese architectural style. The AHM has five floors of galleries, including the Chinatown Visitor Centre, the Dragon Gallery, the Gold Rush Gallery on the ground floor, a gallery of over 200 years of Chinese history in Australia, and a gallery of stories of people from the Asia Pacific region who settled here from the 1950s onwards.

In the gallery, thousands of artifacts and ancillary exhibits are neatly displayed, including early Chinese clothing, labor tools, tableware, furniture, household items, and more. Artifacts include historical photographs, news papers, diaries, letters, books, account books, and various crafts. Audiovisual materials include audio and video tapes of their own history. Almost every exhibit is illustrated with Chinese and English characters, making it easy for visitors to understand the origin, age and meaning of the exhibits.

Gold Rush Exhibition: The museum's basement level recreates the 19th century Chinese encounter with gold in the Australian gold mines. You will see winding shafts and an elaborate model of a gold mine, all of which will allow you to immerse yourself in the adventures of those gold seekers. Afterwards, you can ask for fortune at the Guan Gong Temple (Guan Gong was a famous general in ancient China and was worshipped as a god). You can also have fun watching a Cantonese opera in a tent theater and see how the gold seekers won money by buying Chinese lottery tickets.

Melbourne's Chinese Dragon: The Millennium Dragon of the Melbourne Dragon Society hovers from the first floor to the ground floor, as if it were in hibernation, awaiting the arrival of the Spring Festival (January-February) and the Momba Festival (March). Three Chinese parading dragons, which have been parading through the streets of Melbourne for almost a century, are on display at the Australian Chinese History Museum, reflecting one of the centuries-old traditions of the Chinese community in Melbourne. The Millennium Dragon is the largest parade dragon in the world, standing upright at over three meters tall, and it takes eight people to support its head alone. The dragon is surrounded by costumes, banners, lanterns and lion dancers, making it a must-see! You can learn more about the importance of the dragon dance in the Chinese community in Australia by watching the video below.

Chinese History and Culture: This gallery showcases the Australian-Chinese Museum's antique collection of Chinese textiles and artifacts, highlighting the long-standing relationship between Australian and Chinese cultures. One of the highlights of the gallery is the story of the Qing Dynasty wooden bed and Australia.

On the same level, the Chinese Language and Culture Experience Center provides a multi-media environment for visitors to experience and learn about Chinese history and culture. Topics include Chinese scenery, musical instruments, ideas, inventions and paper-cutting crafts.

Australian Chinese History: The fourth floor of the museum showcases the history and culture of the Chinese in Australia. The exhibition tells the story of the Chinese in Australia, from the arrival of the first generation of Chinese and their descendants in the 19th century to the present day immigration situation.

It also tells the story of the Chinese community from the earliest friendship groups formed for mutual aid to the social and sporting clubs formed in the 20th century. Through the exhibition you can learn about the careers of Chinese people, their social and family life, and the societies they have organised, and realise that Chinese people have become an integral part of Australia.

Past Revisited (Stories of Recent Migrants) explores the complexities of identity through the personal experiences of Chinese people who have migrated to Australia from China, Cambodia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. The exhibition highlights the changes in the economic, social and political landscape of the world over the past 50 years. Over the past fifty years, more than half a million Chinese have migrated to Australia, creating the multicultural society that it is today.

Auckland War Museum

Auckland War Memorial Museum ( Auckland War Memorial Museum is one of the most important memorials of the wars New Zealand has experienced. Built in 1852, it is also the first museum in New Zealand and is located in the central business district of Auckland.

The Auckland War Memorial Museum was built in The museum was built in 1852, expanded in the 1950s, and officially opened to the public in 1929. The museum is a combination of a war museum and a natural history and culture museum, and contains not only the history of Auckland and New Zealand, but also related natural history and military history, and even natural and cultural materials of the South Pacific region.

The Auckland War Memorial Museum contains objects from New Zealand's history, natural history and war history. The second floor of the museum is a Maori-oriented humanities exhibition; the second floor is the "From Land to Sea" exhibition, which introduces the formation of New Zealand and the natural environment from the mountains to the sea and unique animals and creatures; the third floor is the War Memorial Museum, which introduces the major wars that took place to establish New Zealand, as well as the wars that New Zealand has participated in since the founding of the country.

New Alexandria University Library

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is an Egyptian library established in 2002 in Alexandria, one of the major libraries on the Mediterranean coast, with a collection of about 8 million books.

Boston Public Library

Boston Public Library (BThe Boston Public Library, one of the largest public libraries in the United States, was established in 1848 and is located in Boston with a collection of more than 20 million items.

Bible Online Reading

Bible Online Reading (Bible. The Bible Online Reader (Bible. com) provides free online reading of the Bible, as well as App downloads for ios, Android, WP and other operating systems, allowing users to read hundreds of Bible translations in any language, while also providing other reading functions such as note taking.

San Francisco Exploratorium

The San Francisco Exploratorium website is the world's first The San Francisco Exploratorium website is the world's first science museum website. The San Francisco Exploratorium website was built in 1993 and is visited by 20,000 people each year, 30 times the number of visitors to the Exploratorium each year, and has grown into one of the most sophisticated digital science museums in the world.

World Heritage Digital Archives

CyArk is a US-based CyArk is a California-based organization that relies on modern digital technology to protect world heritage, and is described as "a digital archive of world heritage with the primary purpose of education and preservation". The purpose of the organization is "to collect, preserve and make available to the public digital data on cultural heritage, relying on laser scanning and 3D modeling technologies.

Institute of Space Science

Nearly 400 years after Galileo first looked at the sky through telescope, we will continue to seek answers to old questions about the age of the universe.

Australian Literary Organization

The Lifted Brow The Lifted Brow is a general literary magazine in Australia. They are a non-profit, literary magazine focused on publishing long-form documentary literature and fiction, reviews, artwork, comics, music, and more. The organization was founded by Ronnie Scott in 2007.

Although its cover, format, etc. are all very traditional, the content of the Although its cover, format, and so on, are apparently very traditional, but the content of the creativity and the degree of weirdness is much higher than other similar magazines, non-fiction original articles of the year, it is worth going to the official website to take a look.

Online Meteorite Technology Network

FireBallsinTheSky: Online Meteorite Technology is a technology website dedicated to meteorites in outer space, founded by Curtin University in Australia, sharing data on meteorite orbits in space, meteorite photography, meteorite research, and other related technology data.

The app uses sensors to acquire Data and use the smartphone to record all the details, when you look up at the stars suddenly found a meteor shower, you can use this mobile application to record, the application will automatically identify your location, height and orientation of the meteor, the user can also add the scene at the time of the brightness, color, speed and other related information, the valuable data submitted to the Curtin University of Science and Technology scientists and engineering The user can also add information about the brightness, color, speed, etc., and submit this valuable information to scientists and engineers at Curtin University of Technology to help them obtain valuable information about the meteors.

Of course your action is rewarded, through the application you can get the latest field trip information and precious pictures, these pictures are very precious high-definition images, are obtained through high-definition photographic equipment, with this mobile application as long as you shoot the meteor information, it will The team can calculate where it comes from and send back information to you. The Meteors in Space project is a science project for all people, allowing the public to collaborate and participate in the discussion.

Meteorites are the oldest rocks in existence: the only surviving physical record of the formation and evolution of the solar system. They sample hundreds of different heavenly bodies. Potentially, meteorites offer a direct route to understanding our origins. The Desert Fireball Network (or DFN for short) is designed to provide that data. Meteorites generate a fireball as they come through the atmosphere - you may even have seen one of these yourself. DFN is a network of digital cameras in the outback desert of Australia which capture photographs of the night sky. By making networked observations of the fireball we can triangulate its trajectory, track the rock forward to where it lands, and back, to where it came from in the solar system. More and more cameras are being added to the DFN as the project expands. DFN researchers will then go out and recover the meteorite. Knowing where the meteorite came from, and what it is made of, will help us to address some of the biggest questions in planetary science: how our planetary system came into Knowing where the meteorite came from, and what it is made of, will help us to address some of the biggest questions in planetary science: how our planetary system came into being, and how dust and gas produced a planet capable of supporting life - our Earth.

Fireballs in

Fireballs in the Sky is a citizen science initiative that will allow the public to share the discoveries of the Desert Fireball Network. images from all our cameras, results, and blogs from the field, so that you can see a research project as it happens, provide your own data, and experience Watch this space!

Australian Short Film Festival

TropFest:Australian Short Film is the most Founded in 1993 by Australian director John Polson, Tropfest is one of Australia's most iconic cultural events. In addition, Tropfest is the world's largest short film festival.

Tropfest is recognized for its contribution to the development of the Australian film industry. Known for its contribution to the development of the Australian film industry, the festival provides a unique platform for emerging filmmakers through its events and innovations, and provides a new and growing audience for their work.

The Tropfest Short Film Festival is free and open to the public. The festival itself combines live music, entertainment, public catering, bars, a red carpet and highly anticipated film screenings, followed by the festival's awards program.

Born 20 years ago in a cafe ('The Tropicana') in Sydney, Australia, Tropfest is now It is supported by some of the biggest names in the international film community and has received It is supported by some of the biggest names in the international film community and has received thousands of submissions for its film festivals in Australia, Tropfest Arabia in Abu Dhabi , Tropfest USA (in Las Vegas and New York.) In 2013 Tropfest premiere in New Zealand and South East Asia.

John Polsonstarted the 'Tropicana Short Film Festival' (as it was originally known) as an informal short film screening for cast, crew and friends at the Tropicana Cafe in Sydney Inspired by the turn out, John decided that a full-fledged short Inspired by the turn out, John decided that a fully-fledged short film festival was the next step.

Australian Federal Science and Industry Organization

This is the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research website. As one of the world's largest and most research-rich global organisations, it covers all aspects of Australian life: from the molecules that build life to those in space.

Their main work is to provide new ways to improve the quality of life, and to promote the development of the world through research and development. quality of life and promote the economic and social effects of the industrial sector through research and development. These sectors include: agribusiness, energy and transport, environment and natural resources, information, transportation and services, manufacturing, mineral resources, health, etc. The website provides information about the organization, including research, education, news, etc.

Australasian Cultural Arts Festival

ArtAndAbout:Australia ArtAndAbout is the official website of the Sydney Festival of Australia, introducing Sydney's festival extravaganza, the largest and most attended annual cultural event in Australia.

Australia is a country with a diverse cultural heritage. Australia is a country with a multicultural heritage. The Festival of the Arts, held in Sydney every January, is a summertime celebration of classical art and pop culture with a mix of theater, dance, music, film and visual arts.

The Sydney Arts and Culture Festival expresses the sentiment that Sydneysiders love their city and are proud of it, while also attracting visitors and giving them a romantic and joyful allure and reverie. As if to promote to tourists: in Sydney, in the summer, in the beautiful January, with good wishes, come here to enjoy a happy and beautiful life!

The festival brings together world-class performing arts teams, music lovers from all over the world to bring their passionate performances, from exotic traditional music, modern music, dance, romantic movie theme songs, elegant jazz, blues and folk music, circus, and from epic plays with magnificent scenes to humorous and humorous From grand epic theater to humorous avant-garde modern drama, from musicals with diverse performance styles to well-produced traditional plays, talented artists from all over the world come here to express their passion for life and art.

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