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National Museum of New Zealand

The National Museum of New Zealand (Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa; Te Papa National Museum) is the national museum of New Zealand, located in Wellington, established in 1992 and started operation in 1998, mainly on the theme of New Zealand traditional culture. The museum is located in Wellington, New Zealand;

National Museum of Singapore

The National Museum of Singapore is the oldest museum in Singapore. Located in the heart of the city, the museum uses a number of advanced and colorful exhibition elements such as touch screens, oral histories and old film screenings to give visitors an all-round experience of Singapore's history.

The National Museum of Singapore consists of three galleries: the History Gallery, the Cultural Life Gallery and the Promenade Gallery. The National Museum of Singapore consists of three galleries: the History Gallery, the Cultural Life Gallery and the Temporary Exhibition Hall, which houses many national treasures and preserves Singapore's multi-ethnic and multi-cultural heritage. It is not only a museum, but also a center for cultural festivals, live performances and leisure life.

Singapore Civilization Museum

Acm:The Museum of Singapore Civilisation is a The Museum of Singapore Civilisation is a collection of artefacts that introduce Singapore's diverse historical development and ethnic integration. A series of thematic galleries within the museum, in addition to the Fine Arts Exhibition of Chinese Civilisation, also showcase cultural heritage with themes such as Southeast Asia and Islamic countries.

The Asian Civilization Museum is divided into two pavilions. It is located at 39 Armenian Street, the site of the former Tao Nan School, and is an exhibition centered on the life and civilization of the "Batu Burjak" (native Chinese). The second museum is located at the site of the Singapore Heritage Museum in Queen's Place, a three-storey museum that opened on February 3, 2003. The museum has a series of thematic galleries, in addition to the exhibition of the best of Chinese civilization, but also showcases the cultural heritage of Southeast Asia and Islamic countries, etc.

The museum's goal is: "Our ancestors did not just bring their tangible possessions here, but also their original beliefs, values and customs came with them."

The Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM) is the first museum in the region to present a broad yet integrated As one of the National Museums of Singapore under the National Heritage Board, we seek to promote a As one of the National Museums of Singapore under the National Heritage Board, we seek to promote a better appreciation of the rich cultures that make up Singapore's multi-ethnic society.

While Singapore's While Singapore's forefathers came to settle in Singapore from many parts of Asia within the last 200 years, the cultures brought to Singapore by these different people are far more ancient. This aspect of Singapore's history is the focus of the ACM. The Museum's collection therefore centres on the material cultures of the The Museum's collection therefore centres on the material cultures of the different groups originating from China, Southeast Asia, South Asia and West Asia.

Tokyo Game Show Official Website

TGS:Tokyo Game Show is Japan's Tokyo Chiba Exhibition Hall held a large game exhibition, once a year, as long as the content of the exhibition for the game equipment, entertainment software, computer games and their game peripherals, the exhibition was built in 1996, the scale is second only to the United States E3 game exhibition, is also the world's second largest game exhibition.

According to the news published on the official website, the TGS 2014 will last from September 18 to 21, according to official statistics, by the end of June 2014 TGS exhibitors have reached 224, is expected to reach 300 scale, the number of visitors to the show about 220,000 people. Among the general public open for the last two days, that is, September 20, 21, tickets are priced at 1,200 yen (about 71 yuan), children under elementary school are free.

Meanwhile, as in previous shows, TGS 2014 will still be held at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Tokyo, with 1600 booths divided into 9 zones. This year's TGS show may be less heavyweight hardware devices, but a large number of new games for PS4 and Xbox One will be the main focus of attention.

India Sprinkles Festival Official Website

Showering (Holi) is an important festival in India Holi is an important festival in India, especially for young people; originally celebrated in the spring, it is associated with the act of creation and restoration, representing the vernal equinox and the harvest of grain, and in recent years many regions around the world have imitated the form of the Holi celebration to hold celebrations around the world.

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Sprinkling Festival is also known as Holi Festival, Joy Festival, Festival of Colors The legend says that once upon a time, a king , King Kinzai, who had practiced austerities to obtain the body of Vajra, became proud and wanted his subjects to worship only him and did not allow the people to believe in the great god, Vishnu. His son, Baharadha, insisted on worshiping the god. After several failed attempts to change his son's mind, Jin bed instructe d his sister, the demoness Houlika, to burn the prince to death.

Houlika tricked the demon into sitting in the fire with him, and Houlika had a cloak of protection from the fire. of the fire, the cloak suddenly flew up and fell over the body of the bodhisattva, who was burnt to death and turned into ashes. This was the result of the blessing of the great god Vishnu, and the people poured water of seven colors on the prince as a celebration. Vishnu then appeared and executed the golden bed.

Trickery and fun are the spirit of the festival, and usually the lower caste people throw powder and paint on the higher caste people, forgetting class differences for a while. On the second day of the festival, people sprinkle and smear each other with water and various paints. At night, people throw the statues of Hulika made of grass and paper into the fire and burn them. /p>

Indians also drink a milky white cannabis drink ca Illed Bhang during the Red Festival, which is said to keep them safe and healthy for the coming year. In Nepal, the festivals begin with a bamboo pole erection ceremony. The festival lasts for a week, with people throwing red powder and water balloons at each other. On the eighth day, the bamboo poles are burned and the festival ends. During the festival, people throw colored powder and colored water at each other to celebrate the arrival of spring.

Festivals that have evolved from the Red Sprinkling Festival, such as the Festival of color, are held in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Moscow, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Istanbul, Turkey, Hanoi, Vietnam, etc. . to promote love and equality.

National Museum of India Official Website

The National Museum of India is located off Cholinggi Street. It is an Italian style building built in 1875 AD. It is known as one of the three major museums in India. The Department of Ethnology introduces the customs and traditions of various parts of India and its people. The geology department is known as the largest geology exhibition in Asia.

The Indian Museum houses a rich Indian cultural The museum is divided into six major departments: archaeology, art, ethnology, geology, real estate, zoology, etc. The archaeology department is rich in exhibits from the ancient civilization of India to the Muslim era, all of which are displayed here.

The history of the origin and the growth of the Indian Museum is one of the remarkable events towards the development of heritage and culture of India.

Founded in 1814 at the cradle of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (at The Indian Museum is the earliest and the largest multipurpose Museum not only in the Indian subcontinent but also in the Indian subcontinent.

With the foundation of Indian Museum in 1814, the Museum movement started rolling in India and through the years from then, got a new fillip and great momentum. Since then, it has so magnificently developed and culminated into the fruitful existence of more than 400 museums in the country.

The movement, The movement, which was started in 1814, in fact was the beginning of a significant epoch initiating the socio-cultural and scientific achievements of the country. It is otherwise considered as the beginning of the modernity and the end of mediaeval era.

Durian Arts Centre Singapore

Esplanade:Singapore Durian Arts Centre, also known as Singapore Waterfront Arts Centre, is located in Singapore's famous waterfront area and is one of the most distinctive modern buildings. The art center was officially inaugurated in October 2002 and has become an iconic building in Singapore.

Esplanade is Singapore's Esplanade is Singapore's premier art performance venue, located in the Singapore River estuary in downtown Singapore, with a peculiar and prominent appearance, resembling two large durian, many people call it the Durian Art Center, officially opened to the public in 2002.

The Singapore Esplanade is huge and complex inside, and has a wide range of functions: a 1600-seat concert hall, a 2000-seat theater, several concert halls and rehearsal rooms, plus a shopping center and outdoor performance space, making it a great place for leisure and sightseeing.

The Esplanade Art Center (The Esplanade), completed in October 2002, is a landmark building in Singapore. The outside shape is peculiarly prominent, like two durian, so named Durian Art Center. But in fact, the architect's inspiration is to extract and design according to the compound eyes of dragonflies. At first, you may not feel it, but after seeing the panoramic view of the Esplanade, you can feel more and more clearly the author's idea and the realistic imitation of the dragonfly's compound eyes. Not only does the Esplanade look unique, but the building also contains a lot of scientific calculations. It is a rooftop sunshade made of 4,590 pieces of glass, which is based on the simulation of Singapore's sunlight environment. The interior of the building is full of European theater style, with a variety of functions, including concert halls, theaters, shopping centers, restaurants and outdoor performance spaces, etc., allowing the most beautiful sparks of Eastern and Western art and culture to collide here.

The Esplanade officially opened as a national performing arts center, the Esplanade has a variety of programs to suit the tastes of different audiences, its program range includes various types of music, dance, theater and visual arts, and focus on arts education and increase public access to the arts. The audience will not only learn about the arts, but more importantly, see the arts as a part of their daily lives.

Japan Aozora Bunko official website The official website of Aozora Library collects a large number of copyright-failed Japanese books, and in the spirit of resource sharing and cultural exchange produces electronic versions of books to be published on the Internet for all to read and download for free.

The Aozora Library is a collection of books whose copyrights have been extinguished in Japan, or whose copyright has been extinguished in Japan. It is an online electronic library that collects and makes public literary works whose copyright has been extinguished in Japan, or whose copyright has not been extinguished, but whose owners have given permission for them to be uploaded on the website.

In 2007, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Aozora Bunko, the founder of Aozora Bunko launched the Aozora Bunko Complete Collection Sending Project, in which the entire collection of Aozora Bunko was made into DVDs for free distribution to public libraries and school libraries in Japan, and then, with the assistance of the Japan Foundation for International Exchange, the project was expanded to include the following With the assistance of the Japan Foundation for International Exchange, this program was developed worldwide, making an outstanding contribution to cultural exchange.

The Aozora Library contains mostly novels by famous Japanese authors, which are of high reading and research value and are valuable resources for Japanese language learners and Japanese language researchers.

Korean Movie Database

The KMDB website is a Korean film database site that contains information on films related to the Korean film industry, the Grand Prix, which allows you to search for film content from Korean history and learn about the history of Korean films. It also provides power keywords, movie knowledge, award lists, video on demand, outstanding movie recommendations, etc.

Harvard University Library

The Harvard University Library (HUL) is the world's largest university library and private library, established in 1638, consisting of 90 libraries with a collection of about 16 The library is the largest university library and private library in the world.

Brisbane Museum

The Museum of Brisbane is an Australian museum that opened in 2003 and is located in the heart of Brisbane, displaying exhibitions related to Brisbane's history. The Museum of Brisbane publishes information on opening hours, transportation, and events.

IAC|International Astronautical Federation Annual Congress

International Astronautical Congress (IAC) The International Astronautical Congress (IAC) is an annual conference organized by members of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), created in 1951 to promote dialogue among scientists worldwide and to support international cooperation in all areas of space-related activities.

The International Astronautical Congress (IAC) has been held for The IAC has been held for 66 consecutive years and is the world's most prestigious event in the space industry. The IAF is a high level, large scale, wide impact, commercial value, IAF is 246 members from 62 countries, including space agencies, companies, social groups, associations and societies and other major members.

The International Astronautical Congress has a wide variety of sessions, including technical breakout sessions, highlight reports, and progress reports, covering the areas of space science and exploration, space applications and operations, space technology, space infrastructure, and space and society. Each conference attracts government officials, entrepreneurs, scientists, students and media from around the world.

Korea Jeonju Film Festival Official Website

Jeonju International (Korea) International Film Festival is a film festival funded by the Korean government in 1999, held in Jeonju, Korea around April every year, and is one of the film festivals recognized by the International Film Producers Association. The festival focuses on digital images and alternative films, with an emphasis on the artistic and academic exchange of films.

The Jeonju International Film Festival is based on the concept of freedom, independence and communication. Based on the concept of freedom, independence and communication, Jeonju International Film Festival strives to realize the leap to the center of independent film festivals around the world, with major events such as "Digital Three Colors", which presents a unique film aesthetic, "Shot! The main events include "Cinemascape," which showcases the unique aesthetics of cinema, "Shot! In addition, in the traditional cultural city of Jeonju, visitors can also experience culture and participate in a variety of activities, and the combination of film and festivals makes the festival enjoyable.

During the Jeonju International Film Festival, awards are given to the best films in the International Competition, the Korean Feature Film Competition and the Korean Short Film Competition. 181 films from 44 countries were screened at the 15th Jeonju International Film Festival in 2014, including 142 feature films and 39 short films. A total of 181 films from 44 countries, including 142 feature films and 39 short films, were screened on 13 screens in 6 theaters across the state.

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Houston Museum of Fine Arts (Museum Founded in 1900, the Museum of Fine Arts Houston has a wide range of collections, mainly presenting the French Impressionists and post-1945 European and American paintings, while the Karen Sculpture Park across the street exhibits the works of Rodin and Matisse and other genius masters.

Hill's Manuscript Museum

Hill Manuscript Museum (Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (abbreviated as HMML, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library) is the world's largest museum of manuscript images, established in 1965 and located in Caldwell, Minnesota, the Hill Manuscript Museum makes manuscript books available to users worldwide through an online catalog.

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