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goo real estate
Provides rental, sale and real estate related information.
My Navigator News
Computer, digital, IT, entertainment, love, life style and other areas of the latest news and commentary.
IT general information website operated by Nikkei BP.
apple Japan official website
apple Japan official website. Apple Inc. is an American high-tech company founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Roe Wayne, and headquartered in Cupertino, California. Apple is world-renowned for innovation among high-tech companies and is known for products such as the Apple II, the Macintosh calculator, the iPod music player, the iTunes store, the iPhone smartphone, the Mac computer and the iPad tablet computer.
Dynabook Direct
Go to Dynabook Direct for mail order and purchase of PCs and notebooks, Dynabook Direct is the official online store for digital products from Dynabook Corporation.
This is a comprehensive information site about real estate - housing. We will help you find your happy home by providing a wealth of housing information, from national rental information to condominiums, single family homes, land and other real estate buying and selling information, as well as information on ordering homes, improvements and amenities.
Digital Times
Information and Communication, Internet, Computers, Securities, Venture Capital, provides articles in newspapers.
ZDNet Korea
IT professional website providing the latest Internet services, network and technology related news.
Korea IT-centered portal site.
ASUS Taiwan
Founded in 1989, ASUSTeK Computer Corporation is the world's largest motherboard manufacturer and one of the top three consumer notebook computer brands in the world. ASUS has always been committed to quality and innovation, constantly providing new technology solutions for consumers and business users.
SteelSeries Sailor
At SteelSeries, we're obsessed with being "first". Back in 2001, when our company was first founded, we launched our first glass mouse pad, Icemat, to meet the burgeoning demand from professional gamers. Since that first innovation, we've also created the first mechanical gaming keyboard, the first floating gaming headband, the first World of Warcraft mouse, and countless other innovations that have followed. These innovative concepts make games more competitive and bring more fun to gamers around the world.
Yahoo! Chima Real Estate Channel.
Korea IT field famous news website.
T Guest Bang
Every day there are technology new things, 3C explosive news, cool parts, tablet computers, digital camera test, the red network topics, cell phone app introduction, persuasion, group purchase, come to T guest state only to see the good things.
"ComputerDIY" magazine network version, provides computer hardware, engraving, digital, 3C information report.
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