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Online free large file sharing platform

LongFiles:Online free large The file sharing platform is a storage space that provides large file uploads and external links. Users need to register as a member to be able to upload files, which can upload documents, images, videos, audio and Flash.

Whenever you need If you need secure remote storage capacity for off-site backups, offers If you want to access personal data from a variety of computers and don't want to carry around a USB stick, is a perfect way If you want to access personal data from a variety of computers and don't want to carry around a USB stick, is a perfect way of doing so.

Online Free Web Storage Platform

FreakShare:Online Free The web storage platform is a Dutch web site where you can earn Euros by sharing files. Now you need an agent, the site provides users with large storage space, free users that have 2000G of storage space, a single file upload limit of 1024MB. after uploading will get a link, send this link to others, others through this link to download your files.

FreakShare Web Disk Features FreakShare has the easiest way to manage your online data. Even large files are no problem.

2. FreakShare's service is not only free, but also easy and fast. Just select a file and upload it to our server.

3. After uploading, you can send your download link to your friends or partners.

4. As a premium member, you will get many additional features. For example, unlimited high-speed downloads, etc.

5、Upload your files via remote upload, upload tool or FTP.

6. You can delete, rename, list, arrange, search, or move your files to folders, or even to other accounts.

7. Perfect control panel: all income and operations are statistically and historically recorded.

Freakshare does not support downloading from Xunlei, flashget and other downloading software. The IP addresses of all countries in the world are treated uniformly, with a maximum revenue of 30 euros per 1000 downloads and a 25% commission for downlines. Support China IP. also has a very high popularity, Alexa world ranking 563, with a simplified Chinese version.

FreakShare can upload files without registration, single files are limited to 250M, download files need to wait 60 seconds before the download button is displayed. FreakShare can upload files online, and also supports remote uploads and client uploads, and is currently not open to free users. FTP uploads.

Browser latest version download site

OutDatedBrowser The latest version of the browser download site is a site to help Internet users to get the latest version of the browser download address, for the browser for the old version will have a variety of loopholes or bugs, the use of the latest version of the browser is very important, for security considerations to download the latest version of the browser is a prerequisite for security assurance.

OutDatedBrowser The site provides download addresses for Firefox, IE, Safari and Opera, Chrome browsers. It provides multi-system versions of browsers for download, with an intuitive display interface that prompts you for the latest browser version number and can detect if your browser is the latest version.

Usage: After opening the home page of the site, if your browser is the latest version then there will be no prompt, if the detection is not the latest version, you will be prompted to upgrade to the latest version, click the link to get the download address directly, download the latest version and install it.

Online Space Map Simulation Platform

Space Map (Deep space Map) is a Google Earth-based browser plug-in that allows users to browse the universe through the browser constellations, galaxies and nebulae, very suitable for astronomy enthusiasts to use, before installing the plug-in you need to install Google Earth plug-in in can be used properly.

This is the same as using Google Earth to browse the sky here Simply click and drag and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the sky. Google Earth plugin is able to display various objects in the universe such as various deep sky celestial clusters, stars, constellations, planets, galaxies, nebulae, galaxies, black holes and neutron stars. If you want to explore the universe, try this extension tool.

Human Brain Project R&D Platform

HumanBrain: The Human Brain The project R&D platform is an international research organization that has raised $1.6 billion in funding to launch the Human Brain Project. This is the largest and most significant human brain reconstruction project to date. Researchers also hope that the dissection of the human brain will help in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and dementia.

Human neurons are connected to more than 100 billion. They determine our emotions, our will, and our consciousness. In the next 10 years, scientists from various disciplines will work to decipher these neuronal connections, mapping them hierarchically on a supercomputer.

The research team is a formidable one. In total, more than 200 researchers from 80 institutions worldwide are involved in the project. In terms of scope and ambition, the project is comparable to the Large Hadron Collider project. The project was initiated by the European Commission and is being carried out in Lausanne, Switzerland.

According to the participating scientists, the human brain project will build a new platform for "neural computing" and "neuro-robotic" applications. The scientists will develop computer systems and robots in accordance with the structure and circuitry of the brain. Scientists will reconstruct the human brain piece by piece, and gradually give these cognitive abilities to a supercomputer above.

The European Commission hopes that this project will lead to significant progress in understanding how the human brain works and promote the development of new, more powerful computers that can process the accumulated information about the brain. In addition, the research could also lead to the rise of entirely new computer architectures that mimic the human brain.

Online corporate identity design website

StockLogos:Online Corporate is one of the world's largest corporate LOGO image design agencies, providing high quality LOGO design for many famous and well-known companies that have designed many successful brand images.

Centralized web bookmark management service platform

Symbaloo:Web Bookmarks The centralized management service platform is an online version of the web bookmark collection and organization tool that supports iOS and Android applications, making the automatic synchronization of web bookmarks on different devices much easier and faster.

Symbaloo's mobile apps support The user experience is basically the same as that of the web version of the service, which also presents the web links collected by users in the form of "folders", making it very convenient for users to manage them centrally.

Symbaloo has more bookmark resources than the traditional iGoogle personalized home page. Support for RSS subscriptions and some built-in interactive widgets such as weather, various social media accounts and an email checker, etc. Each group of collages is called a "webmix", and other users can add a public gallery of webmixes. Someone has built a new tab and you can easily and quickly add to the list of sites. Create your own personalization from scratch, and both methods can be used.

Programming Code Automatic Review Service Platform

Codacy:Automatic review of programming codes The service platform is an automatic code review service developed by the Portuguese development team to help developers detect bugs in code in a timely manner and improve the quality of software operation, mainly including code quality, syntax specification, functional usability checks.

is actually the outsourcing service of programming development code. For software developers, code review (Code Review) is no stranger, it is an indispensable part of software development, code quality and specification review is generally completed by the team collaboration, for subsequent improvement, unified programming style, the market has a number of web-based collaborative open source code review tools, such as Review Board, CodeStriker, Groogle, Rietveld, etc. Groogle, Rietveld, etc. Functional availability review, is a function to be implemented to carry out the corresponding code test to ensure that the function is running properly, the development environment and many online services provide uninterrupted testing services, the test does not pass will issue an alarm.

Portuguese startup team Codacy is in the business of "code review", focusing on code quality and specification review. However, what Codacy wants to do is not an open source code review tool, but a SaaS platform that provides web-based "automated code review services" directly to developers to review and quality-rate code for specific projects and provide improvement solutions.

Codacy focuses only on detecting bugs in code formatting or syntax specifications, saving developers time on the one hand, and more importantly, allowing developers to focus on more important issues than code style, such as determining whether the code design makes sense in terms of implemented functionality.

Currently, Codacy supports code review for four programming languages: CSS, Scala, Python, and Javascript. After logging into the Codacy platform through a Github or Google+ account, users can manually add new projects locally or import code snippets for review from Github, Bitbucket, and other cloud-based code storage platforms that use the Git code management system.

In terms of security, Codacy creates an SSH key pair for each item added by a user that only Codacy can use, and encrypts tokens (authorization codes) granted by third-party code repositories, as well as sensitive information about the user. Because Codacy's code review service runs automatically, the Codacy team does not view the developer's source code, and the reviewed code is temporarily stored on the Codacy platform and periodically deleted after the review is complete.

In addition, Codacy from the end of internal testing, open to the public on the date to do paid, respectively for individuals (Single), teams (Team) and companies (Company) to provide three payment plans, the product free trial period of 14 days. When I asked if they were worried that it was too early to pay, Codacy founder Jorge said that as a B2B platform, they have borrowed a lot of experience from other platforms in the industry and that the free service does attract more users, but ultimately they want to offer the service to those who want it and are willing to pay for it. However, Codacy does offer free code review services for some open source projects.

Codacy is a platform of tailor-made code patternsdesigned to complement your unit tests; Codacy is 100% git This means you will be able to use it with any git host. Sign in and add a new project manually or directly from your Github repositories.< ;/p>

Codacy automatically applies some patterns to your project andgrades it so you can take a first glance of its health. ll also provide you with all the detailed information required to improve it, effectively helping you tackle your technical debt.

Based on AI transit detection system

"iBorderCtrl" is An EU-funded border crossing security detection system that aims to help travellers cross the border faster through artificial intelligence, helping to improve the accuracy and efficiency of border checks. The EU currently intends to use it at border checkpoints in Hungary, Latvia and Greece.

The AI polygraph used online is also "the iBorderCtrl" system in one of the functions, it will require users to fill out online applications, upload documents such as passports, and finally by the virtual border guards to ask questions. The polygraph system can analyze 38 micro gestures, and when a transit visitor faces the camera and answers the questions posed by the AI polygraph, the polygraph records the traveler's face and movements, scoring each response.

If the iBorderCtrl polygraph system determines that the traveler is telling the truth, the traveler will receive a QR code indicating that he or she can cross the border; if the system suspects that the subject is lying, it will collect biometric information such as fingerprints, palm vein distribution, and noodle match and pass it to human staff If the system suspects that the subject is lying, it will collect the biometric information such as fingerprints, palm vein distribution and noodle match to the human staff to check and evaluate in a manual way.

Russia free CMS builder is a free self-service website builder from Russia The free self-service website creation service company, officially started in 2005, its self-service website system is very powerful, supports FTP, Web upload management files, users can upload web pages or other files, but also can be bound to their own domain name. provides a very rich web has more than 30 million visitors and more than 800,000 people worldwide have chosen to create their own websites on uCoz.

The initial space for users is 400MB, which grows at a rate of three bytes per second. Free powerful and comprehensive features make it another choice for most grassroots webmasters to build websites.

Fax Plus Free Online Fax Delivery Tool

Fax Plus is a free fax service website from Switzerland. It is a free fax service website from Switzerland. For those who have business with overseas, sending fax through internet can save some money.

Fax Plus is divided into a free version and three If you just want to fax through the Internet, you can get 10 pages per month after signing up for the free plan, which is sufficient for temporary use.

Cross-platform private cloud storage

pCloud is a foreign cloud storage Storage platform, support for PC, multi-system mobile, support for public folders for visitors to upload files remote upload and offline download, support for Chinese interface; one of the features of the service is support for open API, support for HTTPS encryption, free 20G, connected to OneDrive can be increased to 50G permanent space.

pCloud is a Swiss-registered pCloud is a company registered in Switzerland and is made up of a young team of forward-thinking people who are trying to make a big impact in this fast-growing IT market. pCloud aims to provide a full range of easy-to-use cloud storage services to businesses and individuals worldwide. Our end-user oriented technology development sets us apart from other cloud storage services in the market, which are either too technical and not user-friendly or make it difficult for users to master the skills of their cloud storage services.

The reason for recommending this disk is that it is one of the few foreign disks that can be used normally in China and supports mass sharing, users do not need to register or log in to download the shared files, and the music and videos on the disk can be played online. Sharing files is very easy, just check the files you need to share.

Web-based astronomical calculator

CalSky is a web-based astronomical calculator for Created by Arnold Barmettler, a scientific assistant at the University of Suez and the European Space Agency, it is available in English and German, with a calendar function and includes information on auroras, comets, tides, solar energy, lunar eclipses, planets, and satellite positions.

For example, use CalSky to observe "Tiangong 1", after entering the site, first set the location, click the red circle on the right to locate, click the Earth, you will see such an interface, it seems very complicated. But the rest can be ignored, according to the chart labeled settings will be good. The first step, in the box to fill in the name of your region (pinyin), for example, I will write "hongkou, shanghai"; the second step, click the "Start" button on the right, then the following google map will find You search the map of the region, and display out; third step, find your location on the map, double-click here, there will be a pop-up bubble box; fourth step, click the bubble box in the "Click here ". Next, the page will be refreshed again, wait for the refresh to complete, the location has been set up. What you need to do is to pull down to the bottom of the page and click the "go!" button in the red box.

Then, you will see the satellite list! Now Tiangong-1 is at the top of the list, it's easy to find, it's the "Tiangong-1"! However, after its position will gradually to the back of the line, because humans are still constantly launching new things, here you can set the observation time, generally will be the current time, you can ignore. The red line marked below, you intend to let this site to help you predict how long the time period. More detailed information can be accessed].

TV Program Data Analysis System

The Submetrics website is a platform based on TV program data analysis and related TV interface recommendations. The tool analyzes user-specified TV program topics and reads IMDB The tool analyzes user-specified TV show topics and reads IMDB ratings, genres, and profiles, collects Internet buzzwords and buzzwords about the TV show, and recommends similar show lists.

eServiceInfo|Electronic Components Service Manual Book

"eService Info" is a site that provides a large number of electronic equipment service manuals, mainly providing electronic component data sheets and Equipment schematics and other content to help all technicians engaged in the field of electronic maintenance to find the official technical documents, when the customer lost the manual is very useful.

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