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Weather information provided by the Korea-Japan News Agency website.
Yahoo Korea Weather
Yahoo Korea Weather Forecast website.
World City Weather
Provides climatological and weather information for cities around the world.
BBC's Weather Centre - Kathmandu

Provides weather forecast service for Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal.

Turkish National Meteorological Service
Official website of the Turkish National Meteorological Administration, weather forecasts and detailed statistics for Turkey as well as Europe, the Balkans and Central Asia.
Greece Weather Forecast
Greece's largest weather forecasting site.
National Meteorological Service of Greece
The Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS) is a government agency responsible for developing weather forecasts and observations, established in 1931, with the main task of covering all meteorological and climatic needs of the country, providing weather forecasts, meteorological analyses and warnings to citizens of various unexpected weather conditions.
Netherlands Weather Forecast
Provides weather forecasts for the Netherlands and around the world.
Netherlands Weather Forecast website.
Portuguese Meteorological Institute
Portuguese meteorological institute website, provides weather, climate, earthquake, aviation, marine meteorology, agricultural meteorology, atmospheric environment, etc.
Provides weather forecasts for Austria.
Finland Meteorological Institute
The Finnish Meteorological Institute observes and studies the atmosphere, near space and the oceans. In addition, it provides weather, ocean, climate, air quality and local space services to meet public safety, commercial and citizen needs.
Weather Forecast for Italy and Europe.
Current weather and weather forecasts for Germany, Europe and the world.
Weather reports, weather trends, rainfall radar, travel weather, sailing weather, etc. from wetteronline.
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