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China Foreign Language Talent Network
China Foreign Language Talent Network - Recruiting Foreign Language Translators | Recruiting Foreign Trade Salespersons | Recruiting Small Language Translators ...
Foreign Trade Talent Network
Provide senior foreign trade talent search service for foreign trade enterprises.
Fresh Graduates Job Search (China's first website for college students seeking jobs) provides the latest, most complete and accurate campus job information for fresh college graduates, part-time internship information, as well as campus lectures and campus job fairs, covering areas such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Nanjing, Tianjin and Chengdu.
Founded in September 1999, Wisdom Recruitment is a recruitment website under the brand of "Wisdom Talent Chain", the largest job market in China, and one of the large professional human resources network service providers in China.
Hangzhou Talent Network
Integrating online job hunting, online recruitment, information release, talent training, personnel policy consultation and online senior talent service, it is the most influential professional talent website in Hangzhou.
China Graduate Talent Network
China postgraduate talent network-authoritative postgraduate talent information network jointly organized by universities directly under the Ministry of Education.
Zhejiang Talent Network
Zhejiang talent network - Zhejiang talent market only official website.
Guangzhou Talent Network
Guangzhou Talent Network is a website that focuses on providing information about the Guangzhou talent market, covering information about the talent market, talent seeking, enterprise recruitment, talent training, study abroad, etc.
Urumqi Talent Market
Contains the latest information, enterprise area, college channel.
China Enterprise Talent Network - My Career Portal.
China Juncai is a large national professional job hunting and recruitment website, providing a large amount of talent information, recruitment information and talent market information.
WuXi talent network
Wuxi recruitment and job hunting, training college students to work in China Wuxi talent network.
Shandong talent network
Shandong Talent Network is a comprehensive human resources website hosted by Shandong Talent Service Center, providing you with high salary jobs and excellent talents, integrating a number of services such as Internet talent intermediary services, on-site job fairs, headhunting, employment services for college graduates, agency recruitment, talent training, and personnel policy and law consultation.
Swiss search engine. [FR].
Swiss job search site.
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