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Korea free chat software application

KaKao Talk:Korea Free The chat software application is one of the popular IM applications in Korea, which not only helps users to quickly view and reply to Kakao Talk messages without opening the application, but also integrates with other applications produced by Kakao.

KaKao Talk supports KaKao Talk is an application that supports communication between iPhone, Android, WP, Blackberry and other smartphones. This application manages friends with actual phone numbers and with push notification service, you can send and receive messages, pictures, videos, and voice conversations quickly with friends, family, and colleagues. Even if your friends are not online, they can receive your kakao talk messages, just like sending a text message.

In addition to text messaging, it also supports pictures and audio/video. And also support multiplayer chat mode (Group Chat), and will gradually launch shopping and other functions. The design is very refreshing, the platform is very stable, not limited by country and region, and very traffic-saving. The registration process is simple. There is also a function to record voice messages. KakaoTalk also has a free phone feature that allows you to change your voice on free calls.

Now we provide stable service support for more than 45 million users worldwide. More than 100 million messages are published daily and are used in more than 200 countries. Support 12 languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish.

PIBO|Japanese version of the children's story picture book

PIBO is an audio children's story book for 0 to 12 year olds. There are more than 370 picture books and they can be read completely free of charge. Each picture book is recorded by a professional voice-over artist with high-quality picture content to practice listening and reading.

When you start learning Japanese, you are usually only exposed to the contents of the textbook. But if you can, watching a little Japanese children's cartoon or storybook will make you feel more confident about your learning results! Because it is designed for children to see, so the language will be relatively simple, and the speed of speech will be slower, for beginners, it is easier to understand.

Because the original target user is Japanese children, so the whole App will not have any Chinese appear, so if there is not understand the raw words appear, it is recommended to use with the Japanese dictionary, each picture book will be marked suitable for reading children's age layer, roughly 3 years old as a class, according to their own Japanese level to make a choice. You can make a choice according to your own Japanese level.

Relieve mental stress and fatigue application

TaoMix:Relieve mental stress and Fatigue app is a tool that allows you to relieve your daily stress and fatigue through your smart device by playing thousands of beautiful sounds from nature to relieve your tension and fatigue throughout the day.

Does your high-intensity, fast-paced lifestyle leave you TaoMix brings you a deep relaxation! It can play for you thousands of beautiful sounds of nature, you can design a variety of different scenes according to their own preferences and harmonies, which can certainly help you relieve the tension and fatigue of the day.

TaoMix app key features:

1, the beautiful sounds of nature can always give people invisible but powerful healing power. TaoMix is such an application designed for fast-paced life and TaoMix is a relaxation application designed for fast-paced life.

In a pure black background, TaoMix provides hundreds of beautiful sounds of nature, wind, rain, thunder, birdsong, etc. You can even find human voices, white noise and various sounds of the city! Through an original combination of matching, as if for themselves to create a unique space free of disturbance, close your eyes, relax to feel the quiet and profound nature!

2. Adding sounds in TaoMix is very simple, click on the three kans at the bottom of the main interface, you will see a big plus sign, click on it and you can choose various sounds. The first thing you need to do is to use the sound effects. Try dragging it randomly, change its position, you can hear the different effects of the "harmony", is not very magical wow?

late night insomnia, to their ears to play a section, and set the end time, to ensure that you easily fall into dreamland! If you spend a good deal of effort to design a scene sound, of course, you can save it - but it seems to be named in English only, so that the next time you start it can be used directly!

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