American Idol (American American Idol is an American singer talent contest that began airing in 2002 and is presented by Fox Broadcasting Company. The official website of American Idol provides the latest information about the show, including pictures and videos.
Ain't It Cool News (AICN) is an American site dedicated to providing news, rumors, and reviews of upcoming and recent movies and TV shows, created and operated by Harry The site was created and is operated by Harry Knowles. The site focuses on technology fiction, fantasy fiction, horror fiction, comic strips, action movies and more, providing tidbits of information and news.
Blue Sky Studios, a CGI animation studio founded in 1987 and based in Greenwich, Connecticut, USA, is now a part of the company. The representative works of Blue Sky Studios include "Ice Age", "Rio's Big Adventure" and so on.
Regency Enterprises is an American film company founded in 1982 and has worked on many classic films, including "The Smiths", "Fight Club", "Wilderness Hunters" and so on.
MixbiT : A social platform for video collaboration is one that allows people to collaborate and create content together with more flexibility and social orientation. MixBit will not be a direct competitor to YouTube, but rather a platform for creative people to collaborate together to create more user-friendly original video content.
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Just for Laughs (also known as Just for Laughs) is a Canadian language-free entertainment program that is broadcast on Canada's state-run CBC television and Comedy Network. The show uses hidden cameras to prank and film passersby without their knowledge.
BANDAI (BANDAI CO., LTD.) is a video content sales company, founded in 1982 and renamed in 1991, headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. The company is headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo;
The American TV Guide is the most popular weekly television magazine in the United States, founded in 1953. As a successful television magazine, TV Guide is based on television content, and has made efforts in three aspects: performance, play, and adaptation, forming its own unique characteristics of service and entertainment, and has formed its own unique style: close to entertainment, focus on life, in-depth reporting, and characteristic commentary. It is a successful example of a win-win situation for both magazine and TV media.
Howcast is a video sharing website, launched in 2008, mainly by users to provide DIY, cold knowledge and other information with light humorous text or videos, users can get certain rewards by uploading videos.
Sony Pictures Animation (Sony Pictures Animation) is an American film company founded in 2002 as a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment, mainly producing animated films. Sony Pictures Animation's works include "The Jungle Revolt", "The Blue Fairy", "The Fantastic Pirates" and so on.
Walt Disney Pictures is a film distribution brand of The Walt Disney Company, headquartered in Burbank, California, that distributes motion pictures and live action films, including many classic motion pictures. The Walt Disney Pictures brand is based in Burbank, California. audio/video broadcasting platform is a platform dedicated to providing a personal online audio/video broadcasting platform through the Internet, established in 2007; basically, computer users with a video camera and the latest version of flash player installed can set up a personal audio/video broadcasting platform. basically, computer users with a camera and the latest version of flash player can set up their own personal TV station and broadcast online video to the world through ustream.
The Montreal International Film Festival is the only competitive film festival in North America, founded by the Ministry of Culture of Quebec in 1977. It is the only competitive film festival in North America. The main activities of the festival include: feature film and short film competitions, feature film and short film side screenings, special screenings of one country's films each year, observational screenings for professionals, special screenings of films from that country, special screenings of films from the Americas, conferences to honor new and veteran filmmakers, retrospectives, seminars, international film markets, and extensive promotional activities.
Palace Cinemas is Australia's leading indoor cinema company, established in the 1960s, with 85 cinemas in 20 locations across Australia, as well as bars and cafes.
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