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Google Canada-video
Search and browse various videos, including Google, YouTube, metacafe, gofish, vimeo, biku and Yahoo video.
News video provided by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is the world's largest database of movie actors, movies, TV shows, TV stars, video games and film productions.
Rotten Tomatoes is a world-renowned film review aggregation website, created in 1998, based in the United States of America's Bresbane, the latest release from the world will be subject to a rigorous test to determine whether it enjoys the fate of "good tomatoes" or faces a brutal "Rotten Tomatoes" ending.
American Movie Website.
HOLLYWOOD is a famous American entertainment news website, providing online movies, movie showtimes, movie previews, entertainment news, celebrity photos, box office, celebrity interviews, movie reviews, etc.
American celebrity gossip site, founded in December 2005, is now the most powerful entertainment gossip channel under AOL.
Eonline is America's leading entertainment site for entertainment news, celebrity news, celebrity gossip, fashion, photos, movies and TV!
Twentieth Century Fox
Twentieth Century Fox (FoxMovies) film company.
The official website of the Oscars
The official Oscar ceremony website, get the latest news about the Oscar ceremony, including nominations, predictions, winners and Oscar red carpet fashion.
American drama series scripts, very full.
Dream Factory Production Organization
DreamWorks production organization (DreamWorks), representative works: "monster Shrek", "pony elves", Miramax (Miramax) and so on.
Harry Potter Movie Official Website
Harry Potter movie official website, provides movie introduction, trailer and game.
Hollywood Reporter
The latest entertainment and Hollywood news.
Box Office Mojo
Box Office Mojo: The most comprehensive website for online movie box office.
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