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Royal Fiesta Compañera

Royal FrieslandCampina NV was established in 2008 by the merger of Royal Friesland and Dutch Campina, headquartered in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, and mainly produces and sells various dairy products. The company has the following brands: Methuselah, Holland Mother's Milk, Fijazovig, and Compaq.

The official website of the Dutch nonprofit Mars One

Mars-One:The Dutch Non-Profit Mars-One is a non-profit Mars immigration organization that will select two men, two women and four Earthlings from among the volunteers who apply online. After training, they will take a manned spacecraft to Mars, becoming the first Earth immigrants on this "red planet".

The organization said they charge an entry fee based on each country's GDP The organization says they charge registration fees based on each country's GDP level, with Qatar at $75, China at $11 and the DRC in Africa at $5. However, the organization only offers one-way tickets. But Yang Shiji submitted the application without any hesitation. In order to find like-minded people, the same day he set up the "Mars One Lovers" QQ group and Baidu posting, in just a few days to attract more than 150 "cosmic fans". And these two days, he has received through the preliminary selection of e-mail.

"Mars One" founder Bas Lansdorp appeared in Shanghai, held a small-scale "Mars immigrant recruitment "This is the first global event after New York. This is the second presentation in the world after the one in New York. So far, they have received more than 50,000 applications worldwide, and the number of applicants from China has exceeded 600, and the number is still increasing.

"Mars One" immigration program is divided into two main lines of work. On the one hand, is the technical preparation and settlement construction. The technology section of the organization's website shows that in March this year, they have signed a contract with the U.S. Benocon Space Development Corporation, which is responsible for the development of the "Mars Migration" life support system and space suits. In addition, they will also be to the United States space technology agencies to purchase vehicles.

By 2016, the organization will conduct the first test launch, and two years later, the Mars rover will be launched into space. If all goes well, by 2021, they will deliver water, oxygen, food and other supplies to the Martian settlement. The blueprint of the settlement has now been released. By then, a white space capsule will appear on the desolate surface of Mars, the surface of which may be covered with sand and gravel to protect against radiation, and the energy source will be several huge solar panels. The interior of the settlement has both living, working and entertainment functions, with a refrigerator and a greenhouse for cultivating vegetables.

On the other hand is the selection of personnel. It is estimated that by 2015, after four rounds of selection, the organization will select 24 to 40 people from the volunteers. The successful candidates will be randomly divided into groups of two men and two women each, four people as a team. In September 2022, the winning group will receive a ticket to Mars. "The first settlers will have to eat a vegetarian diet. Later, we will transport insects and fish fry to Mars, and they can try to raise their own fish."

Vision of Mars One

Mars One believes human exploration of the solar Mars exploration offers an opportunity to celebrate the power of a

As with the Apollo Moon landings, a human mission to Mars will inspire generations to believe Mars One believes it is not only possible, but imperative that we establish a permanent Mars One believes it is not only possible, but imperative that we establish a permanent settlement on Mars in order to accelerate our understanding of the formation of the solar system, the origins of life, and of equal importance, our place in the the universe.

The Working Plan

In 2011, the founding members of the Mars That first year yielded the completion of a feasibility study, calling upon That first year yielded the completion of a feasibility study, calling upon experts from space agencies and private aerospace corporations around the world. In this first-stage analysis, Mars One incorporated technical, financial, social-psychological and ethical components into its foundation plan.

This tremendous undertaking can only be achieved through the careful, deliberate movement This tremendous undertaking can only be achieved through the careful, deliberate movement through both the technical and media stages, gaining momentum and credibility with each completed step. The first effort is to award contracts to the already engaged aerospace suppliers, thus solidifying the Mission as technically feasible. At the same time, Mars One will launch the Astronaut Selection Program, open to anyone in the world.

Not unlike the televised events of the Olympic Games, Mars One intends to maintain an on-going, global media event, from astronaut selection to training, from lift-off to landing, to provide primary funding for this next giant leap for mankind.

Geronimus Maltings & Co.

Jeronimo Martins (Portuguese: Jerónimo Martins) Portugal's second largest retailer dedicated to food distribution and consumer goods manufacturing, with more than 2,800 stores in Portugal, Poland and Colombia, and ranked in the 2014 The company is ranked 978th in the 2014 Global 2000.

Coca-Cola Greek Bottling Co.

Coca-Cola Greek Bottling (Coca-Cola HBC) Greece's largest company, founded in 2000, is part of the banner and ranked 1,338th in the Global Business 2000 in 2014.

Greek Public Power Company

Public Power Corporation (PPC) is the largest electricity company in Greece, founded in 1950, headquartered in Athens and currently owned by the government.

Athens Stock Exchange

The Athens Stock Exchange (Athens Exchange), located in Athens on Kavalas Street, was established in 1876 and has a long history.

SMR Corp.

SMR (Strikeforce Mining & Resources) is a Russian mining company, a wholly owned subsidiary of the En+ Group, and the largest producer of molybdenum and ferromolybdenum in Russia.

Rosneft Oil Company of Russia

(Rosneft) is the largest Russian Rosneft is the largest oil company in Russia, established in September 1995, with operations in all areas of oil and gas exploration, extraction and sales of refined products, and more than 50 subsidiaries in Russia. Rosneft has more than 50 subsidiaries in Russia. Rosneft operates in more than 20 regions of Russia. Rosneft's production activities follow the regional principle and consider the Far East, Siberia, the northwest and south of the European part of Russia as strategic development areas.

ZARINA Fashion

ZARINA is one of the three fashionable women's brands of the famous Russian fashion group Melon Fashion Group, the other two being Befree and LOVE REPUBLIC.


KrioRus is one of the three human cryopreservation facilities in the world. Founded in 2005 and located in Russia, KrioRus is the first human cryopreservation facility outside of the United States to provide whole body cryopreservation, brain cryopreservation, and genetic preservation services.

Novatek Corporation

Novatek, the largest independent natural gas producer in Russia, was ranked 481st in the Global 2000 in 2014. "On May 20, 2014, Novatek signed a contract with CNPC to supply 3 million tons of LNG per year to China under the framework of the Yamal LNG project.

Novolipetsk Steel

Novolipetsk Steel is a global producer of high-quality steel products and the largest steel producer in Russia, known as the "most efficient and profitable steel producer", mainly to Europe, South and North America, Asia, Africa and the United States. The company is also the largest steel producer in Russia, known as the "most efficient and profitable steel producer", supplying mainly to Europe, South and North America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East; it is ranked 1248th in the Forbes Global 2000 in 2014.

Telekomunikacja Rossiya

Rostelecom, Russia's leading long-distance telephone company with the largest domestic backbone network in Russia, is listed on the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) in the U.S., and Rostelecom was ranked 907th in the Global Business 2000 in 2014. .

Tartar Oil

Tatneft (Russian: ОАО "Татнефть") is the sixth largest oil company in Russia and was ranked 519th in the Global Business 2000 in 2014.

Regional power distribution holding company

IDGC Holding (full name: Interregional Distribution Grid Company) was merged with the Russian Federal Grid Company (FGC) in November 2012 and renamed JSC Rosseti. (Rosseti), a Russian power grid company integrating transmission and distribution of electricity. In 2014, it was ranked 762nd in the Global Business 2000.

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