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Swiss Chamber of Commerce in China
swisscham is an online private association registered in Switzerland and China.
Global Speedpass
AliExpress is Alibaba's online trading platform that integrates orders, payments, and logistics to help small and medium-sized enterprises reach out to end wholesale retailers, sell small quantities and batches quickly, and expand profit margins.
Global Trade Network
Global trade network is the industry model of B2B e-commerce platform, providing a large amount of supply and demand information, B2B industry information, B2B industry has excellent trade environment trading platform, is the preferred B2B e-commerce platform for enterprises.
China Commodity Network
Jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, it brings together 600,000 manufacturers and suppliers in China and 2.2 million items of information, bilingual display, public and public service provided by the government.
World Business Network
Provides global trade and commerce opportunity, supply and demand information, business exchange.
Global Resources
Global Sources creates and manages a variety of effective media to deliver the information needed for buyers and sellers to meet and trade with each other. We connect buyers and suppliers worldwide with the right information, at the right time, through the right channels.
Alibaba International Website
Alibaba is the world's leading B2B e-commerce online trading platform, focusing on providing an efficient and reliable trading platform for buyers and sellers of small and medium-sized enterprises from around the world. Forbes Magazine has ranked Alibaba as one of the "World's Best B2B Websites" for seven consecutive years. Alibaba International was officially launched in 1999, mainly for global import and export trade.
China Import and Export Fair
The only official website of China Import and Export Fair. China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair, was founded in the spring of 1957, held in Guangzhou in the spring and autumn of each year, so far 55 years of history, is China's oldest, highest level, the largest, the most comprehensive range of goods, the largest number of visitors to the meeting and the most widely distributed by country and region, the best transaction effect, the best reputation of the comprehensive international trade event.
Tomtop is a first-class domestic cross-border e-commerce enterprise. At this stage, based on the "pan-supply chain, pan-channel" mode of operation, we are committed to selling China's high-quality supply chain products to the world. Including game accessories, computer accessories, cell phone accessories, home, health and beauty, car accessories, photography equipment, video and audio, clothing, toys, outdoor and dozens of categories, hundreds of thousands of products.
Alibaba Asia Pacific Region
Founded in 1999, is the world's largest global trade marketplace and a leading provider of online marketing services for importers and exporters. We have over 360 million products, including consumer electronics, machinery, apparel, home and garden, cars and motorcycles, beauty and personal care, health and medical, construction and real estate, and more.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Kingdom of Denmark
Provides economic and trade news, business information release, Denmark general information, China-Denmark cooperation and other information.
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