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thebbs Bulletin Board
Astrology, culture, life, sightseeing, music and other exchanges.
livedoor Bulletin Board
Singapore Chinese Network
Singapore Chinese Network is one of the largest Chinese networks in Singapore. The Singapore Chinese Network is designed to serve the Chinese public in Singapore, and has opened various sections that are popular among the general public, thus attracting a large number of compatriots from the Lion City to post and exchange information every day.
Baidu Posts - Singapore
A Chinese language platform for people in the Lion City to help each other exchange information.
Korea's largest community portal, the center of Internet trends.
PPOMPPU Korea Forum
Korea local general forum: cell phone forum, iPhone forum, comics/humor forum, computer forum, game forum, sports forum, etc.
Mobile01 is Taiwan's largest lifestyle website and forum, covering areas from cars to cell phones, motorcycles to home decoration, cameras, sports, fashion, real estate, investment, audio and video, computers, etc. It is a home base for quality sharing articles, a hub for working people's topics, and provides free market and travel information.
Hong Kong ForumDiscuss
Hong Kong Forum is one of the top 5 most visited websites in Hong Kong, with over 10 million visitors per month and over 5.5 million members from all walks of life and backgrounds. The main discussions cover news, entertainment, real estate, finance, cars, marriage, etc.
Tianya Forum
All topics, made by Tianya - Tianya Forum, the world's most influential Chinese forum, the global Chinese online home.
Cat Fight
Cat Poker is the birthplace of pop culture on the Internet in China, with interactive products such as Cat Poker Hodgepodge and Cat Poker Post as its core, and is the most influential BBS in China.
Phoenix Forum
Phoenix Forum - the most influential community in Chinese.
Cady Community
The most influential platform for Chinese speech and media in the world.
Xichao Station
Various forums provide free space for speech and thought, and themed chat rooms provide a venue for friendship and relaxation.
Sohu Community
China's most influential and popular interactive community on the Internet, with forums as the core, set chat rooms, network radio, blogs and other interactive products as a large interactive platform. The forum for emotions, women, entertainment, campus, literature and other topics has ...
Sina Forum
Sina Forum Community, the world's largest Chinese community; Sina Forum Community is the most well-known comprehensive BBS on the Internet, with a large core user base, the theme board covers culture, life, society, current affairs, sports, entertainment and other areas.
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