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University of Lyon

The University of Lyon (Université de Lyon) is a comprehensive research university in France, founded in 1896, located in Lyon and a member of the Coimbra Group. The University of Lyon is composed of 11 institutions of higher learning and research, including the University of Lyon I, the University of Lyon II, and other institutions.

Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs et de Technologie, France

The École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers (abbreviated ENSAM) is a French engineering school founded in 1780 as a member of the Paris High School, with several campuses in France, mainly around It has several campuses in France, with specializations in mechanics, materials science, fluid and energy systems. It is a member of the Paris High School of Engineering (ENSAM);

Clermont-Ferrand I

Clermont-Ferrand University (Université d'Auvergne; full name: University of Clermont-Ferrand I) is a well-known multidisciplinary university in France, founded in 1806, initially as a medical school; in 1976 It was founded in 1806 as the Faculty of Medicine, and changed its name in 1976 to become a multidisciplinary university offering national diploma programs in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, law and legal sciences, economics and political science, business management and technology.

Lyon School of Economics and Management

EM LYON (Ecole de Management de Lyon) is a prestigious French business school, an "elite school" for management professionals, founded in 1872 to train international managers and entrepreneurs. It offers undergraduate, master and MBA programs in international purchasing management, financial information and auditing, financial engineering, international business development and strategy, information systems development and management, European Master in Management, Master in luxury management and marketing, international entrepreneurship program, etc.

National Institute of Advanced Telecommunications

The National School of Telecommunications (TELECOM Paris), the first French telegraphic school of higher education, is the leading postal, telegraphic and telecommunications university in France, founded in 1878. Software engineering, multimedia production, network design and construction, information security and network signaling, image reception, etc.

National Higher School of Mines, South China

ENSM Nancy, the French National University of Engineers, was founded in 1919 to meet the needs of the reconstruction of the French economy after the First Station, through the "Concours Mines-Ponts" unified entrance examination. It admits French and foreign students through the "Concours Mines-Ponts" (first year) or through a 4-year higher education diploma (second year).

Rennes First University

The University of Rennes I is a leading public university in France, located in Rennes, the capital of Brittany, with a history dating back to 1461. The University of Rennes was established in 1969 after the reform of the French education system. The University of Rennes I has 39 research centers and three main campuses, including the Faculty of Economics and Management and the Faculty of Law and Political Science in the center of Rennes, the Faculty of Science in the eastern suburb of Beaulieu, and the Faculty of Medicine (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.) in the western suburb of Villejean.

Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Ville de Paris

The Ecole des ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP; full name: Ecole des ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris) is a prestigious public school in France, founded in 1959 and located in the Île-de-France region, dedicated to the training of urban engineering designers, covering urban design, organization, management and development. Graduates of EIVP can work for the Paris government and other local governments and state-owned enterprises in France. EIVP graduates can work for the Paris government and other local governments and national companies;

Bordeaux IV

Université de Bordeaux 4 Montesquieu (Bordeaux IV) is a top French university founded in 1995, famous for its law, political science, economics and management, with six teaching and research units in law, economics and management, social and economic management ( It has six teaching and research units (UFR), including Law, Economics and Management, and Social and Economic Management (AES), as well as an Institute of Business Administration (IAE) and two University Technical Institutes (IUT).

University of Nice

The University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (hereinafter referred to as the University of Nice) was founded in 1965 by a decree of the French government and, after more than 30 years of development, is now the largest multidisciplinary university in France. Its main campus is located in the city of Nice, with 7 campuses, and it also has 4 direct campuses in Sophia Antipolis, as well as affiliated educational institutions in Cannes and Menton, covering a total area of 200,000 square meters. The University's administrative headquarters and main institutions are currently located in the Varros Castle on the Varros Park campus, where the natural science teaching and research units are located.

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

The École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Lyon High School) is a French university founded in 1880 in Lyon, one of the four higher teacher training colleges in France and one of the institutions of the University of Lyon. It is one of the four higher education institutions in France and is part of the University of Lyon;

Institut Supérieur de Physique et de Chimie Industrielle de Paris

The École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI; École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris) aims to train professional students with a solid understanding of physics, chemistry and biology. It was founded in 1882 by the Paris City Council and has produced five Nobel Prize winners: Pierre et Marie Curie, FrEdEric Joliot-Curie, Pierre-Gilles de Geneuve, Pierre Gilles de Geneuve, and Pierre-Jeanne. -Pierre-Gilles de Gennes and Georges Charpak.

Grenoble Higher School of Business

ESC GRENOBLE (full name: Grenoble Ecole de Management) is a prestigious French business school, a founding member of the CGE, the French Conference of Higher Professional Schools, founded in 1984, and composed of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce (ESC), the Grenoble, the Graduate School of Business, the Grenoble, the Grenoble, the Grenoble and the Grenoble. Grenoble, the Graduate School of Business (GGSB), the School of Information Management (EMSI) and the Doctoral School, is ranked among the top 100 MBAs in the world by the United States and has the highest triple accreditation of AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS.

Perpignan University

The University of Perpignan is one of the oldest comprehensive universities in France, founded in the 14th century, with a long history of more than 500 years The University focuses on sociology, literature and law. The university has more than ten departments and research institutions, the school headquarters in Perpignan, four teaching centers are scattered around the city, a few institutions are located in the surrounding towns. The school's specialties include law, economics, management, sociology, history, art history and architectural history, geography and planning, modern literature, classical literature, applied foreign languages, English, American languages, tourism management, hotel management, international tourism, electrical automation, physics, chemistry, environmental science, etc.

University of Paris II

The University of Paris II (French: Université Panthéon-Assas; Université Panthéon-Assas) is a French public university founded in 1970 and is one of the major successors to the University of Paris. The University of Paris II's strengths include law and political science, economics, and management.

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