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FINNBRIT is a famous English course and exam information website in Finland, including various English exam introduction (e.g. IELTS), exam time, registration, payment, refund, exam result inquiry, etc.

University of Monmouth, Belgium

The Université de Mons is a Belgian university formed in 2009 by the merger of the Université d'Enoch de Mons and the Université Polytechnique de Mons, with a student body of about 5,700.

Finland University of Humanities and Applied Sciences

Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu, also known as the Humanist Institute of Technology, Finland's leading university of applied sciences, was founded in 1998 and is operated by Finland's Humanistinen Institute Ltd. and is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is a leading university in Finland in the fields of humanities, education and cultural management.

Swedish Institute of Technology, Finland

Svenska yrkeshögskolan (Swedish Institute of Technology, Finland) is a leading university of applied sciences in Finland, founded on August 1, 2008, focusing on multidisciplinary and practical education and aiming to provide professional development opportunities for working professionals. Undergraduate level higher education, including automation technology and information technology, electrical engineering, engineering, nursing, etc.

French Catholic University of Leuven

The French-speaking Catholic University of Louvain is a Belgian Catholic university, formerly known as the Catholic University of Louvain, founded in 1425 and split from the Catholic University of Louvain in 1968 (the other being the Dutch-speaking Catholic University of Louvain). It is located in New Leuven and is a member of the Coimbra Group.


Keski-Pohjanmaan Ammattikorkeakoulu, also known as Keski-Pohjanmaan Ammattikorkeakoulu, is a modern university of applied sciences in Finland, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, offering undergraduate and postgraduate higher education, mainly in humanities and education, culture, social sciences, business administration, and business administration. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate education in the fields of humanities and education, culture, social sciences, business administration, technology, communication and transport, social services, health and sports and tourism, catering and home economics.

Jyväskylä University

Jyväskylän yliopisto is a public comprehensive university in Finland, founded in 1966, located in Jyväskylä, West Finland. Jyväskylän yliopisto is a public comprehensive university in Finland.

Satakunta Institute of Technology

Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu (Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu) is an international university of applied sciences in Finland, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, offering higher education programs at the undergraduate and master level in Finnish and English, with faculties of culture, social services and health care, technology and maritime management. It has three faculties, including the Faculty of Culture, the Faculty of Social Services and Health Care, the Faculty of Technology and Maritime Management, and a Center for Continuing Education.

La Plata Polytechnic University

La Plata University of Technology (LUT; Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu), one of the most prestigious Finnish universities of technology, was founded in 1969 and is located in La Plata, South Carolina, with the main faculties of engineering, business, industrial engineering and management. It has a strong research capability in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, information and communication technology, forestry, electrical engineering, energy, and economics, and enjoys a high reputation worldwide.

University of Lapland

The University of Lapland is a public university in Finland, located in Vaniemi, founded in 1979, with about 5,000 students and departments of art and design, law, and social sciences. The University of Lapland is a public university in Vaniemi, with about 5,000 students and departments of art and design, law, and social sciences;

University of Frodswaffe

The University of Wrocław is a public research university in Poland, founded in 1702 (University of Breslau) and located in Wrocław. In the 2014 QS World University Rankings, the University of Wrocław is ranked 828th.

Warsaw University

The University of Warsaw (Uniwersytet Warszawski) is a public university in Poland, founded in 1816, and is the largest university in Poland and one of the best in Poland. Uniwersytet Warszawski offers summer courses, preparatory courses, etc.

Warsaw University of Technology

Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) is a Polish polytechnic university, founded in 1826, located in Warsaw, with more than 30,000 students, with departments of architecture, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical electronics and other disciplines. The University of Technology is a polytechnic university founded in 1826 and located in Warsaw;

Copenhagen University of Information Technology

Information Technology University of Copenhagen (ITU; IT University of Copenhagen) Denmark's young public information technology college, founded in 1999, was upgraded in 2003 to Denmark's twelfth and most specialized comprehensive university, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, offering undergraduate It is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education and offers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs.

Luleå University of Technology

Luleå tekniska universitet (Luleå University of Technology) is a well-known Swedish university of technology, founded in July 1971, is located in North Boten province, and works closely with the local business community, students have a high degree of innovation and cooperation, its main research areas are in mining technology, wood technology The main areas of study are mining technology, wood technology, and the Internet.

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