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Polytechnic University of Cartagena

Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPC) is a leading public university in Spain, founded in 1998, with two campuses and two main faculties: the Faculty of Business Sciences, the Higher Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, the Higher Institute of Industrial Engineering and Technology, the Higher Institute of Aerospace and Marine Engineering and the Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology. The main faculties are the Faculty of Business Sciences, the Higher School of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, the Higher School of Industrial Engineering and Technology, the Higher School of Maritime and Marine Engineering and Technology, the Higher School of Telecommunications Engineering and Technology, the School of Civil Engineering and Technology, the School of Tourism (private affiliation), the School of Architecture and Construction, etc.

Almeria University

Universidad de Almería is a well-known Spanish public university, founded in 1993, located in the autonomous region of Andalusia, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It has six departments: Education, Economics and Business, Experimental Science, Law, Humanities and Psychology, two faculties: Higher Institute of Technology and Health Sciences, and a subsidiary center: the Faculty of Labor Relations.

University of Indonesia

The University of Indonesia (UNI) is a leading public research university in Indonesia, founded in 1851 (Java Medical School), with more than 40,000 students enrolled. In the 2015 QS Asia University Rankings, the University of Indonesia is ranked 71st.

Pécs University Hungary

The University of Pécs (University of Pécs; Hungarian: Pécsi Tudományegyetem) is a public university in Hungary with a history dating back to 1367, located in Pécs, and is one of the largest universities in Hungary in terms of the number of students.

Gadjah Mada University

Gadjah Mada University (Indonesian: Universitas Gadjah Mada; English: Gadjah Mada University) is a public research university in Indonesia, founded in 1949, located in Yogyakarta, is one of the first higher education institutions in Indonesia, opened It has 18 faculties covering a wide range of disciplines from sociology to engineering and has over 56,000 students.

Ben-Gurion University

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is an Israeli university founded in 1969, located in Beersheba, with a high level of research in the fields of new energy, water resources, and dryland agriculture.

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Tel Aviv University (אוניברסיטת תל-אביב; Tel Aviv University) is a national university in Israel, founded in 1956 and located in Tel Aviv, the second largest city in Israel. With more than 100 departments and 90 research centers, Tel Aviv University is one of the largest universities in Israel.

Israel Open Amplification

Open University of Israel (OUI) is a distance learning university in Israel, founded in 1974, with its main campus in L'Ananah and its course exams held at Israeli consulates and Jewish representative offices around the world.

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (abbreviated KFUPM) is a prestigious Saudi university founded in 1963 and located in Dhahran, adjacent to the city. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is known for its natural sciences and engineering specialties, with strengths in subjects such as mathematics and statistics. In the 2015-2016 QS World University Rankings, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals was ranked 199th.

Royal Spanish Language Institute

Real Academia Espa&ntilde Academia Española (RAE) is one of the official institutions of the Spanish Royal Family, responsible for the standardization of the Spanish language, and has published Spanish dictionaries and grammar books, the online version of the Academia Española dictionary is one of the necessary tools for the emergence of Spanish language users.

In 1713 King Felipe V of Spain founded the Royal Spanish Academy in Madrid. The Royal Academy of Spanish Language was founded in Madrid in 1713 by King Felipe V. It is an authoritative institution for the study of the Spanish language and has made outstanding contributions to Spanish grammar, orthography and the standardization of the dictionary and the preservation of the purity of the Spanish language. The current president is José · Manuel · Blecua (José Manuel Blecua).

The existing Royal Academy of Languages Corpus contains all Spanish vocabulary from the formation of the Spanish language to around 2000, and the new “21st Century Corpus” will be an addendum to it. It will include new words that emerged between 2000 and 2011, with approximately 25 million new words entered each year. The vast majority of the new words will come from the language of the press. Another large-scale project of the Royal Academy of Languages is the compilation of the Historical Dictionary. The dictionary will present the history of the development of Spanish words in all periods and at all levels of society.

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Cambodia

The site is a website for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia. The website is the official website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MOEYS) of Cambodia, which mainly provides the introduction of the department, education policy and planning, youth education, sports development, news center, data and documents, projects, etc. The website is available in both Cambodian and English. Cambodia has a nine-year compulsory education system that includes elementary school (grades 1-6), middle school (grades 7-9), high school (grades 10-12), university and other higher education institutions.

University of Cantabria

Universidad de Cantabria is a modern Spanish public university, founded in 1975, located in the autonomous region of Cantabria, offering professional programs at the specialist, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels, in addition to a range of language courses and summer training programs. The main departments are Business Administration, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, History, etc.

Burgos University

Universidad De Burgos is a prestigious Spanish public university, officially established in 1994, with two campuses, five faculties and three independent schools, offering doctoral and master's degrees, special qualifications, and postgraduate programs, with specialization in economics and science.

University of Girona

The University of Girona (Universitat de Girona) is an ancient institution of higher learning in Spain, founded in 1446 and located in the autonomous region of Catalonia. The Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Media.

Pablo de Olavide University

Universidad Pablo de Olavide is a young public university in Spain, founded in 1997, located in Seville, with six faculties: Business Sciences, Experimental Sciences, Sports, Law, Humanities, Social Sciences, and The University offers specialized programs at the college level (including dual-degree), undergraduate (including dual-degree), master's and doctoral levels.

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