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Lecce National Academy of Fine Arts

The Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce is a famous Italian National Academy of Fine Arts, established in 1960, located in the Puglia region. The main specialties of the school include art decoration, calligraphy and engraving, painting, sculpture, stage decoration and drawing, and art conservation and restoration. The school is located in the Puglia area;

Lecce University

The University of Lecce (Università degli Studi di Lecce) is a prestigious Italian public comprehensive university founded in 1955, located in the city of Lecce on the southern Salentine peninsula. The main faculties include the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Cultural Heritage, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Science, and a language center for foreign students to learn Italian. The University also has a language center for foreign students to study Italian;

Macerata Academy of Fine Arts

The Accademia di belle arti DI MACERATA (Italian National Academy of Fine Arts) was founded in December 1972, and the main campus is located in the Buonaccorsi Castle in the Marche region. It offers a three-year undergraduate program and a two-year master's program. Its graduates have a high reputation in the commercial advertising and design industries.

Milan Academy of Fine Arts

Milan Academy of Fine Arts (Accademia di belle arti BRERA DI MILANO) is an ancient Italian institution of higher art, mainly providing professional courses for bachelor and master degrees, with the main specialties including visual arts, painting, sculpture, calligraphy and engraving, decoration, and design. The main specialties include visual arts, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, engraving, decoration, applied arts and design, scenography, art restoration, etc.

Gregorian University

Gregorian University (Latin: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana; Italian: Pontificia Università Gregoriana; English: Pontifical Gregorian University; Pontifical Gregorian University; abbreviation: PUG) is a famous Catholic university, founded in 1551, located in Rome, Italy, mainly for the training of Catholic clergy. It is located in Rome, Italy, and trains mainly Catholic clergy;

Milan New Academy of Fine Arts

Nuova Accademia di belle artilegalmente riconosciuta Nuova Accademia di belle arti di MILANO (NABA; Accademia di belle artilegalmente riconosciuta Nuova Accademia) is a dynamic Italian art school and the The Accademia di belle arti di MILANO is the only Italian private institution recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education, founded in 1980. The college is highly outward-looking and has established close exchange relationships with universities such as the National Institute of Fashion Technology 、、、、、、 and the University of Arts and Technology Plymouth in India.

Cassino University

The University of Cassino (Università degli Studi di CASSINO; University of Cassino and South Latium) is an Italian national university located in the town of Cassino, offering mainly undergraduate and master's degree programs.

University of Verona

The University of Verona (Università degli Studi di VERONA) is a prestigious Italian national university founded in 1982, offering a wide range of diploma programs, professional programs, PhD programs, master's degree programs, postgraduate programs, medical research professional programs, etc., with law, humanities and philosophy, economics, medicine, and medical sciences. The University has faculties of law, humanities and philosophy, economics, and medicine.

Urbino Academy of Fine Arts

The Accademia di belle arti DI URBINO (PS), the Italian National Academy of Fine Arts, was founded in 1861 and became the National Academy of Fine Arts in 1962, located in the city of Urbino in the Marche region, joining the Socrates-Erasmus exchange program within the framework of the European Union. It joined the Socrates-Erasmus exchange program within the framework of the European Union, and signed bilateral cooperation exchange agreements with universities in Greece, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Poland, the United Kingdom, Germany and many other countries.

Kalala American Academy

The Accademia di belle arti DI CARRARA is a well-known Italian outward-looking art school founded by Maria Teresa Cibo on September 26, 1769, in the city of Carrara in the Tuscany region, offering mainly undergraduate and postgraduate courses. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in theater space design, interior design, painting, multimedia art, and new technologies in art.

Cuneo Art Institute

ABAC (Accademia di belle artilegalmente riconosciuta di CUNEO) is a renowned Italian art school founded in 1991 in Cuneo, in the province of Cuneo, in the Piedmont region. In 1999, the school followed the pace of the Bologna Declaration and reformed its degree system in accordance with the requirements of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), and now offers a three-year 180 ECTS credit bachelor's degree program and a 120 ECTS credit master's degree program.

University of Santa Ana, Pisa, Italy official website

Sssup:Santa Ana University of Pisa, Italy The University is a public teaching comprehensive university in Italy, located in the city of Pisa, Italy; focusing on the field of applied sciences, divided into social sciences and experimental sciences. The University of Pisa Santa Ana's social sciences department covers the fields of economics, law and politics, while the experimental sciences department covers agriculture, medicine, industry and information engineering.

Scuola Sup. . di Studi Univ. e Perfezionamento S. Anna di PISA) has a history dating back to the 16th century. The University of Santa Anna di Pisa was officially established by Law 41 of February 14, 1987; it is a very small university, with a faculty of 300 students and 1300 advanced students, yet it is at the forefront of scientific research in Italy and the world.

The University of Sant'Anna of Pisa is an elite institution of European repute, operating on the model of the system of high school teachers founded by Napoleon, dedicated to the study of applied sciences, which is mirrored by the theoretically oriented Higher Pedagogical School of Pisa.

The University of Pisa Santa Ana, the Pisa Higher Pedagogical School and the University of Pisa, together constitute the university system of Pisa, a city that enjoys international influence in the field of education and research innovation. As an elite institution, the University of Pisa Santa Ana is dependent on the University of Pisa for its undergraduate education, but is held to a higher standard than the University of Pampanga in terms of entrance exams, grades and graduation criteria. As a research university, it also focuses on the training of doctoral students to meet the needs of scientific innovation. There are only two universities in Italy that have independent qualifications for doctoral degrees, namely the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Pisa and the Università degli Studi di Santa Anna di Pisa. In addition, their doctoral degree designations are different from those of other universities.

French National Bridge Road School

The École des Ponts ParisTech (National School of Bridges) is a French engineering school founded in 1747 as a member of the ParisTech. École des Ponts ParisTech is a French engineering school founded in 1747 as a member of ParisTech. It has departments of civil engineering and construction, urban environment and transportation, mechanics and materials science.

Aix-Marseille three major

Aix-Marseille 3; Université de Droit, d'économie et des Sciences d'Aix-Marseille The University of Aix-Marseille is a prestigious European university with a long history, founded in 1409, located in the Alpes-Côte d'Azur region of Provence, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, with 8 faculty-level teaching and research units (UFR), 8 university vocational colleges (IUP) and 42 accredited research laboratories.

Pierre and Marie Curie University

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), the University of Paris VI (Université Paris VI), founded in 1971, is the only one of all public universities in France to offer only scientific and technical subjects. It is the only university in France that offers only scientific and technical subjects. Université Paris VI is the main successor of the Paris Science Academy and the University of Paris in the field of science faculty, with a very good performance in the field of education and research.

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