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Vocabulario|Spanish online self-learning website

Vocabulario is a No matter which language you learn, words are always the first task, and this site has a variety of learning resources that you can use, such as illustrations, to make learning Spanish less boring.

The Vocabulario section has: < amp;lt;/p>

1.Topic Classification Vocabulary: Here is the board according to the topic memory word, the first page gives some relatively general big topics, such as: shelter, body and health Animals, food, clothing, family, transportation and so on. We take the fourth theme Comida (food) as an example, click into the next level of the page, you can see more subdivision of small topics, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, desserts, seasonings, etc., see the following chart:

Note the * marked at the end of each topic name, * for elementary vocabulary, ** for intermediate vocabulary, *** for advanced vocabulary. After memorizing a small theme of Spanish words, there are 3 word games to play.

2. Difficult Vocabulary: This part of the vocabulary exercise is suitable for intermediate and advanced learners, and is used to help distinguish words with similar spellings or meanings. For example, we chose the first topic, Parónimas (palabras muy parecidas), for a little test.

3. Word memorization game: Here is a "picture pairing" game, select a theme and click into it, there will be 20 pictures (10 pictures of items and 10 pictures of words). At the beginning, all the pictures are the back side, showing a gray color, click on one of the pictures, the picture will turn around, remember its meaning and location, and then click on another picture, only when the item photo and the word match, these two pictures will be matched successfully.

The site not only provides basic vocabulary learning, but also provides word games to reinforce recitation success, and there are many other learning resources and games waiting to be explored on the site.

University of Bari, Italy official website

UniBa:The University of Bari, Italy is The University of Bari is one of Italy's leading kilometer research comprehensive university, was established on the basis of the ancient medical school, the university was founded in 1924, the world's only baroque light sculpture was born here. The University of Bari has a comprehensive curriculum, and its teaching and research in the fields of agriculture, pharmacy and medicine in Italy and Europe.

University of Bari The University of Bari (University of Bari) established the College of Medicine and Surgery in January 1925, followed by the College of Law, the College of Economics and Trade, and the College of Agriculture. other colleges were established one after another after 1944. In the midst of a four-year plan from 1986 to 1990, the University of Bari decided to establish campuses in Foggia and Taranto.

The University of Bari is located in the city of Bari, in the Italian region of Puglia. It has a Mediterranean climate and is located mainly on the west coast of the continent, such as the Mediterranean coast, the west coast of the continent between 30 and 40° north and south latitude, the Australian continent and the southwest corner of the African continent. The subtropical Mediterranean climate is characterized by hot and dry summers, mild and rainy winters, and is the only one of the thirteen types of climate where rain and heat do not coincide. In winter, the climate is controlled by westerly winds, and frontal cyclones are frequently active, so the climate is mild, with the coldest monthly temperatures between 4 and 10°C and abundant precipitation.

Barry University has 11 colleges: College of Agriculture, College of Economics, College of Pharmacy, College of Law, College of Arts and Philosophy, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, College of Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Biotechnical Sciences, College of Education, College of Political Science. Some of the better known professions are agriculture, pharmacy and medicine.

English Vocabulary Note Management Platform

VocabularyNotebook: English vocabulary notebook management platform is a word learning platform based on the study and learning of new words, phrasal verbs, idioms, and idioms, which helps users organize the words they do not understand in their studies, and can be categorized, managed, and counted to distinguish the most forgettable words from the most confusing ones to provide learning efficiency.

VocabularyNotebook is designed specifically for teachers and learning in different ways, and also supports synchronous management on the cell phone, teachers can use the platform to statistics of commonly used teaching words and distributed to students to use, statistics of students' learning level of words, so that teachers can understand students' learning through the platform, and for different students to issue different test database It can also help students and teachers to interact with each other. More features need to be studied by yourselves.

Pisa Higher Teacher Training School

The Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa is a public university in Italy, founded in 1810 and located in Pisa, with an extremely rigorous admissions examination and three Nobel Prize winners among its alumni.

Ferrara University

The University of Ferrara, founded on March 4, 1391, is one of the oldest universities in Italy and was founded by Deust. Marchese. Duke Alberto V was founded under the patronage of Pope Boniface IX. The University has 8 faculties, 20 academic departments and several research centers, and offers 78 undergraduate programs, various master's degree programs and professional training courses. At present, there are more than 20,000 students enrolled in the university, and nearly 400 degrees are awarded each year, with 600 faculty members, including 223 academic researchers.

Siena University

The University of Siena (Università degli Studi di Siena) is a public university in Italy, located in Siena, founded in 1240, is one of the oldest universities in Europe and is a member of the Coimbra Group. The University of Siena's law school and medical school have a high reputation in Europe.

University of Sassari

The University of Sassari (Università degli Studi di Sassari), an Italian public university officially founded in 1617, is known for its rich research infrastructure, with 23 research centers, 24 libraries, and more than 40 study centers, offering a number of three-year undergraduate It offers a wide range of three-year undergraduate and Master of Arts programs.

Venice University of Architecture

The Università IUAV di Venezia is a public research university in Italy, founded in 1926, located in Venice, with a focus on architectural studies and about 5,000 students.

Frosinone Academy of Fine Arts

The Accademia di belle arti di Frosinone (Italian National Academy of Fine Arts), the first public university in Italy to offer fashion design, is located in the Lazio region, mainly providing undergraduate and postgraduate professional courses, including painting, sculpture, decoration It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in painting, sculpture, decoration, printmaking, visual communication, multimedia art, fashion design, and heritage restoration.

University of Rome I

The University of Rome (Sapienza - Università di Roma, English: Sapienza University of Rome, the first University of Rome, the University of Wisdom of Rome, abbreviated as Rome a large) is a famous Italian university, founded in 1303, is one of the most registered in Europe. It is one of the most registered universities in Europe. In the 2015-2016 QS World University Rankings, the First University of Rome is ranked 213th.

University of Venice, Italy

The University of Venice, also known as the Oriental University of Venice, was founded in 1868 by Edward Deodati, acting governor of Venice, and a number of colleagues as a business school, marking the original birth of the University of Venice. The faculty is located in the unique water city of Venice in the world. The University of Venice has a long tradition of business and economics. The University has a Faculty of Economics, a Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, a Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, a Faculty of Science, and a common teaching and research center among the faculties.

Kaliyari University

The University of Caliari is located in Caliari, the capital of the Italian island of Sardinia. Founded in 1606, as the oldest university in Italy and one of the oldest universities in Europe, and Spain's oldest universities Salamanca, Valladolid and Lerida. The University of Cagliari is one of the top ten national universities in Italy. The University of Caliari was first created by Emperor Roger, established by Carlos VI, the very beginning of the establishment of only the economy, law and other liberal arts professions. At that time, only students from Europe were admitted. From the 16th century onwards, the University of Caliari began to radiate a strong light, the school has produced a number of famous scholars, such as physiologist Rachael Spallanzani, geometrician Laurenzo Mascelloni, and later served as a former president of the University of Caliari physicist Antonio Ocaine, and so on.

Trent University

The University of Trento is a public university in Italy, founded in 1962, located in Trento and Rovereto. The University of Trento has schools of economics, law, and engineering, including the only school of cognitive science in an Italian public university.

Bocconi University

Bocconi University is a private university in Italy, founded in 1902, located in Milan, the school's strengths include finance, management, political science, law, and other disciplines.

Paris Xth

Paris X - Nanterre is a French public university founded in 1964 with more than 200 professional courses, where the French student movement first broke out in 1968.

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