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University of Engineering and Technology of Troyes

Université de technologie de Troyes (abbreviated as UTT) is an emerging French engineering school founded in 1994 to train engineers in science and technology and professional engineers.

School of Administration and Management Preparation

Institut de Préparation à l'Administration et à la Gestion (IPAG; IPAG Higher Business School; full title: Institut de Préparation à l'Administration et à la Gestion) One of the first business schools in France, it was founded by the economist Jacques Roulev. It has been accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education for more than 40 years and has delivered numerous management elites to major companies in France.

Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris

HEC Paris (HEC Paris, HEC Paris, HEC Paris) is a prestigious French university founded in 1881 by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a member of HEC Paris, and the cradle of French business leaders. It is the cradle of French business leaders;

Montpellier Higher School of Commerce

ESC Montpellier is a leading French business school founded in 1897 and is a member of the United Business Education Group and the Higher Education Council of Montpellier, under the jurisdiction of the Montpellier Industrial and Commercial Division. The main areas of specialization are financial accounting and auditing, organization and strategic management, application of emerging technologies, market development and marketing, judicial system, geo-economics, e-commerce, progress control, etc.

National Institute of Advanced Technology and Applied Science

The National School of Higher Technical and Applied Sciences (ENSSAT) is a renowned public engineering school in France, founded in 1986, located in the city of Lanyon in the Brittany region, and affiliated with, with programs for engineers, master (research) and doctoral programs.

Belfort-Montbéliard University of Technology

The University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM; full name: Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard) is a prestigious public educational institution in France and is a member of the Conference of Graduate Schools of Professional Education (CGE) and the Conference of Gompeigne (CGE). It is accredited by the Ministry of Education of China.

European Management School

European Business School Paris (EBS Paris; European Business School Paris) Europe's leading private international business school, funded by the U.S. Loretto Education Group, founded in 1967 in Paris, can be awarded the national certification of master's degree, there are Paris headquarters, Germany The school has campuses in Paris, Frankfurt, London, and Madrid, Spain. Its main specialties include international business management, management and financial engineering, marketing and communication, and human resources management. Eric Clogenson, vice president and chief financial officer, is a graduate of the school.

Rennes Business College

ESC Rennes (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes) is a prestigious French business school dedicated to master's and doctoral education in international business and management, founded in 1990 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Brittany region, accredited by the Chinese It is accredited by the Ministry of Education of China and ranked 329th in the Webometrics global business schools.

University of Paris XIII

Université Paris-XIII (University of Paris-Nord) is a public university in France, founded in 1970 as a successor to the original University of Paris, with expertise in engineering and science. The University of Paris-XIII is a public university in France;

Moscow Institute of International Relations

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Russian: Московский государственный институт международных отношений), founded in 1944, is a professional institute specializing in the training of personnel for international relations, which enjoys a high reputation in Russia. It has a high reputation in Russia. The university is proud to be attended by the children of modern Russian dignitaries. Many senior Russian translators of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have graduated or studied here. The University is located at 76 Vornadsky Street in Moscow and has six faculties, seven departments and sixty-eight research laboratories, with more than 150 professors and doctors, 400 associate professors, 300 senior lecturers and almost 400 highly qualified teachers. More than 20 of them are full members and correspondent academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian and international specialized scientific academies, and 17 of them have been awarded the title of Meritorious Scientists of Russia. The university is an affiliate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and the sons of modern Russian dignitaries are proud to study here. Many senior Russian translators of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country have also graduated or studied at this institute.

University of Castilla-La Mancha

The University of Castilla la Mancha (UCLM; Universidad de Castilla la Mancha) is a young public university in Spain, founded on June 30, 1982, with four campuses located in the main cities of the province of Castilla la Mancha.

University of Cadiz

Universidad de Cádiz is a Spanish public comprehensive university founded on October 30, 1979, located in Cádiz, with four campuses, offering undergraduate and master's degree programs in health sciences, engineering, sociology, law, humanities, etc.

Extremadura University

Universidad de Extremadura (University of Extremadura) is a high quality public university in Spain, founded in 1973, located in Extremadura, with three departments: Library Economics and Archives Management, Science, Sports, Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Industrial The University is located in Extremadura and has three departments: the Department of Library Economics and Archives, the Department of Sciences, and the Department of Physical Education, four faculties: the Faculty of Technology, the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, and the Faculty of Nursing and Occupational Medicine, as well as two study centers offering specialized programs at the specialist, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels.

Andalusia International University

Universidad internacional de Andalucia (Andalucia International University) is a prestigious Spanish public university founded in 1994, located in the southern region of Andalucia, which offers professional and continuing education, including postgraduate and doctoral programs. It offers professional and continuing education, including postgraduate and doctoral programs, and works closely with leading provincial universities in the region.

University of the Basque Country

The University of the Basque Country (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea in Basque, Universidad del País Vasco in Spanish) was founded in 1980 and is a public university in Spain. The University of the Basque Country is composed of the Faculties of Science and Technology, Medicine and Dentistry, Social and Media Sciences, Fine Arts, Law (Bizkaia Campus), Sarriko Business and Economic Sciences (Ibarrekolanda, Sarriko Campus), Chemical Sciences, Law, Psychology, Philosophy and Education, Information, Pharmacy, Literature, and There are also 13 faculties: Faculty of Labor Relations, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Teachers (Arangoiti Campus), Bilbao Higher Engineering Technology (San Mames Campus), Industrial Technology Engineering (La Casilla Campus), Faculty of Business Studies (Main Campus), Higher Institute of Marine, Mechanical and Maritime Technology, Faculty of Public Works and Mineral Technology Engineering, Higher Institute of Architecture and Construction. Mineral Technology Engineering, Higher Institute of Construction Technology, San Sebastian Polytechnic Institute, College of Business Studies, San Sebastian Teachers' College, College of Nursing (Sanitaria City Campus), College of Engineering, College of Teachers, College of Social Work and College of Business, among 17 other colleges.

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