

current location:Type/Industry > Other > Yellow >
Business information for all Swedish companies.
German Yellow Pages

German yellow pages, search for companies and products.

French Yellow Pages
The yellow pages of France Telecom, with telephone numbers, addresses and photos of hotels, government offices and even private residences throughout France.
European Yellow Pages
EuroPages, a business directory of 33 European countries, in 25 languages. Very impressive.
Directory of French business professionals.
UK Yellow Pages

The UK's leading online business directory.

Russian Yellow Pages
Russia Yellow Pages, with at least 11 million Russian companies' phone numbers, addresses and information, goods and services, interactive maps.
Russian Network Address Book/Yellow Pages
Russian business directory, network address book.
Russian business directory, information portal.
Moscow Commercial Telephone Guide
Moscow Business Telephone Guide, a comprehensive telephone directory of Moscow companies, updated monthly.
US Yellow Pages
US Yellow Pages (, over 19 million local business searches to find the right people and businesses to get things done!
US White Pages, the largest and most trusted directory providing contact information for over 90% of Americans. Find phone numbers, businesses, addresses and more.
US Super Yellow Pages
US SuperPages, find local business information: phone numbers, ratings and reviews, maps, driving directions, addresses, websites, hours of operation, and more.
Maltese Yellow Pages
Malta Business Search Engine.
New Zealand Yellow Pages
New Zealand Yellow Pages website, merchant listings, traditional yellow pages format.
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