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Italy Online
Study in Italy, information about Italy, study in Italy.
Red and Black Milan Forum
Milan match discussion, Milan latest news, soccer sticker chart, live video exchange and comprehensive entertainment discussion.
German European Overseas Chinese Website.
German Chinese website
German Chinese website provides the latest German news, German latest events, German travel information, German real estate news, German study abroad information, German immigration information, German information, German technology development, German financial news, German fine food, German Chinese blog highlights, German literature, German local information, German famous people, German commentary articles, German China exchange information.
Tianya Forum - Germany
This is the German section of the Tianya Forum. Share German immigration, study, marriage and work experience, exchange all kinds of problems encountered in the process of going to Germany, tell the story of living in Germany, show the German style.
Baidu Post - Germany Bar
Baidu post German bar.
New Europe
New Europe is the gateway to Chinese in Europe, which provides the most cutting-edge cultural and entertainment information platform, news, fleas, travel, community, home, yellow pages, microblogs, games, French and many other content channels and free interactive communication space for Chinese in France.
French Chinese Street
French Chinese street website, providing you with free information on French food, French jobs, French rentals, French nannies, housekeeping, leisure and entertainment, bars, KTV, events, discounts and other French lifestyle services.
France Forum
Franciscan Forum.
France Online
France Online ( is the world's largest Chinese portal for comprehensive information about France. The website provides users with the most comprehensive information on French studies, French tourism, French language learning, French brands, French companies, French culture and more.
Art France Forum
Provides information about French art schools, French and world exhibitions, space/visual/fashion/photography and other related art discussions.
see see country
Provides an overview of France, art, economy, politics, French-Chinese diplomacy, education, geography, including French language study and exam information.
Tianya Forum-UK
This is the British section of the Tianya Forum: Big talk about England, people in Britain, England, originality, consultation and mutual assistance, etc.
The UK Chinese website is an information exchange platform for Chinese students and Chinese friends in the UK.
Sey Island Online
Cyprus Chinese portal.
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