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Korean scene painter Park Jae-cheol's personal website

PaperBlue:Korean Scene Painting The personal website of Park Jae Cheol is an excellent game background and scene designer in Korea, a Korean concept artist; the style and approach is very similar to Craig Mullins, to the point where it can be confused with the real thing.

But you can see that paperblue In the light performance is still relatively flat, while Craig Mullins' light performance is carefully planned each time. If there is still a gap between Craig Mullins and Craig Mullins in the details of light, color and character composition, his skills and proficiency have been fully described as super-professional.

Japanese cat shit one anime network

Cat Shit One (Cat Shit One ) is a Japanese manga written and drawn by Japanese Kobayashi Genbun, first published by Softbank Publishing in 1998, also known as "Vietnam War Rhapsody", with the Vietnam War experience as the background of the anime theme.

Comic plot: The comic plot is three American servicemen The story of three U.S. military men, Potaski, Patch and Lez, during the Vietnam War. These three were part of a reconnaissance team named "Cat Shit One", and the storyline revolves around what the team saw and heard while carrying out their mission. The story is based on historical development, the names of the battles and the leaders of both sides are available in historical records; and the comics are also very specific and realistic in the depiction of weapons or characters, especially among the various ethnic groups, with distinctive differences in the various types of animals expressed.

Since 2008, Kobayashi Genbumi has released a sequel, "Vietnam Rhapsody 80" (Cat Shit One'80)

One'80), which depicts the regional conflicts in which several protagonists were involved in the 1980s. In the sequel, the three protagonists also go their separate ways, with Patch and Reitz joining the Delta Force and the CIA respectively, and Potaski becoming the owner of a large fast food business. The three protagonists take part in special operations and secret missions around the world in the face of international terrorism and the threat of a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

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