Montanuniversität Leoben, the leading Austrian public university, was founded in 1840 in Styria and is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The main departments include Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, Applied Geosciences and Geophysics, Economics and Business Sciences, Product Engineering, Mineral Resources and Petroleum Engineering, Metallurgy, etc. In addition, German language and culture courses are offered for international students. The German language and culture courses for international students are also offered;
The University of Liège is a Belgian public university founded in 1817, and is one of the earliest public universities in Europe. The University of Liège has a full range of disciplines, with high levels in management, psychology, economics, aerospace, astronomy and other fields. In the 2014 QS World University Rankings, the University of Liege is ranked 240th.
UGent.be:Belgium Ghent The Public University of Belgium is a comprehensive and prestigious university in Belgium, founded in 1817; it has 11 faculties, 11 departments and 150 majors. The Flemish region's only Nobel Prize winner in medicine is at this university.
The total number of students at the Ghent Public University is about 20,500 students, including 1,300 foreign students from 107 countries. Of these, 18,000 are first- and second-year students, while 800 researchers and 500 doctoral students are third-year students. The academic research staff includes 583 independent academic researchers, 423 assistant researchers and 1,500 other researchers.
Ghent was the most powerful city in Northwest Europe after Paris in the 16th century, with ancient monuments scattered throughout the streets. The world-famous Flanders Exhibition of Technology held here every year provides an opportunity for the world to see the development of Flemish industry and university technology. Ghent is also an important host city for music and music festivals. The university campuses are scattered throughout the city center.
Founded in 1817 as a Latin-speaking State University by William I, King of the Netherlands, Ghent University is a relatively young university. After its independence in 1830, the Belgian State was in charge of the administration of Ghent University; French was the new official academic language. In 1930 Ghent University became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium. The Decree of 1991 assigned great autonomy to the university.
Over the years eminent scientists such as Joseph Plateau (physicist, considered as a pioneer in the development of motion Over the years eminent scientists such as Joseph Plateau (physicist, considered as a pioneer in the development of motion pictures), Leo Baekeland (inventor of Bakelite) and Corneel Heymans (Nobel Prize winner in Medicine) studied and
With a view to cooperation in research and scientific service, numerous research groups, centres and institutes have been founded. Several of them are renowned worldwide, in various scientific disciplines such as Several of them are renowned worldwide, in various scientific disciplines such as biotechnology, aquaculture, microelectronics, history,...
The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is a Belgian Dutch-speaking university founded in 1970 (from the former Vrije Universiteit Brussel), located in Brussel, with over 20,000 students. It is located in Brussels and has more than 20,000 students;
Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulu (Saimaa University of Applied Sciences), formerly known as the South Karelia Institute of Technology, is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education and offers undergraduate and master's degree programs in business administration, art and design, health and social services, technology, tourism and hospitality. The University of Applied Sciences, formerly known as the South Karelia Institute of Technology, is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
Teatterikorkeakoulu, the largest performing arts university in Finland, plays an important role in the field of performing arts and was founded in 1979 to provide undergraduate, master and doctoral programs of higher education. It is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education;
Haaga Yhtymä (Haaga Yhtymä) is a well-known private polytechnic in Finland, officially established in 1991, located in Helsinki, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, mainly provides undergraduate education and bachelor's degree programs, the main specialties include tourism and hotel management, international business, sports and leisure management, etc.
The University of Art and Design of Helsinki, Finland, is one of the largest and highest quality teaching institutions in northern Scandinavia. The University of Art and Design in Helsinki is one of the largest and best teaching institutions in Scandinavia. It is the largest art institution in Scandinavia. It has 1,700 students and 400 faculty members, of whom 14% are from abroad. It takes about 3 years for a bachelor's degree and 5 years for a master's degree.
Over the past 20 years, the University of Art and Design Helsinki has accepted students from abroad every year. The University of Art and Design Helsinki is one of the most international universities in Finland as it admits about 230 students from abroad every year, which is 14% of the total number of students admitted, much more than the number of students sent out.
At the same time, the University also has many foreign professors, lecturers and researchers. Most of them are working in MEDIA laboratories and design departments, especially in industrial design and design management. With the increasing international cooperation, the University of Art and Design Helsinki has signed cooperation agreements with 130 foreign institutions, and in recent years, cooperation with institutions in Southeast Asia, China, Japan and Korea has been strengthened.
Yousician - Playful Guitar The teaching app is a fun and fast mobile app for learning to play guitar, learning the basics of guitar and playing techniques through game levels, a personal guitar tutor for beginners so to speak, with thousands of songs to practice with.
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Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is one of the best universities in Finland, founded in 1965 and located in the city of Tampere. Tampere University of Technology has a high level in the field of signal processing, bioengineering, optoelectronics, etc.
Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Ammattikorkeakoulu Arcada), also known as Arcada Institute of Technology, is a well-known public university of applied sciences in Finland, founded in 1996, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, teaching in Swedish, offering undergraduate and master's degree programs, business administration, media The university is accredited by the Ministry of Education of China in 1996. It offers undergraduate and master's degree programs in business administration, media and technology, physical education, health care and social services, continuing education and language center;
The University of the Arts Helsinki is an art university in Finland, founded in 2013 by the merger of the, and the Helsinki Theatre Academy.
Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu, also known as Lahti University of Applied Sciences, was founded in 1991 and is located in South Finland, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It has 8 faculties: Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Business Studies, Faculty of Sports Activities, Faculty of Design, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Social and Health Care, Faculty of Fine Arts, and Faculty of Technology.
Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) is a public university in Finland, founded in 1969 and located in the city of Lappeenranta. Lappeenranta University of Technology has strong research capabilities in areas such as green energy technology.
Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu, also known as Seinäjoen University of Applied Sciences, is a leading university of applied sciences in Finland, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education, offering undergraduate and master's degree programs in higher education, with faculties of business, culture and design, agriculture and forestry, health care and social work, technology, and technology. It has five faculties: Faculty of Business, Faculty of Culture and Design, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Faculty of Health Care and Social Work, Faculty of Technology, etc. The languages of instruction are Finnish and English.
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