Siberian Federal University (SFSU) is a Russian university founded in 2006 and located in Krasnoyarsk, one of the largest universities in the eastern part of Russia.
Vladivostok State Medical University was founded in 1958 and is located in Vladivostok. Its main specialties are special psychology, medicine, pediatrics, medical, preventive work, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, trauma identification, forensic medicine, child care, rehabilitation medicine, massage, sports ergonomics, electrotherapy, clinical Psychology, physical education, counseling education, etc.
Penza State University of Architecture is a leading Russian construction institution of higher learning, a scientific and educational center of the Volga region, originated in 1944, offering bachelor, specialist, master and doctoral degree programs in the fields of architecture, road, bridge and airport construction, vehicle maintenance and services, vehicle transportation, management, marketing, transport and Economics and Management in Construction, Land Management, Information Systems and Technology and Arts.
North Caucasus State Technical University (Stavropol) The largest technical university in the southern region of Russia, founded in 1971, offers bachelor's, specialist, master's, associate's, and doctoral degree programs in law, social work, economics, management, and applied information.
The Volgograd State Administration Institute is a leading Russian state institution of higher vocational education, founded in 1992, whose main faculties and departments are the State and Municipal Administration Institute, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Information Management, the Faculty of Higher Vocational Education, the Faculty of Skills Improvement, the Faculty of Continuing Education, the Language Center, the Center for International Relations, the Center for Social Relations, the Center for Practical Psychology, the Center for International Relations, the Center for International Relations, the Center for International Relations and the Center for International Relations. The Center for International Relations, the Center for Social Relations, and the Center for Practical Psychology.
Omsk State University of Communications was founded in 1997 as a leading Russian university offering bachelor's, master's, associate's, and specialist's degree education, with eight departments: mechanical, electrical transportation, electrical technology, automation and remote control, correspondence, technical improvement and human resource development, humanities, and pre-school education. Faculty.
Pomorskie State University (Arkhangelsk) is a highly competitive university in Russia, founded in 1932, with a full-cycle training center for education, research and innovation, which is known worldwide for its high-quality system of specialist training in mathematics and science, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, education and teaching methods The main specialties are mathematical sciences, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, education and teaching methods, economics and management, computer science and computer engineering, technical products and consumer goods.
Volgograd State Pedagogical University is a famous Russian humanities university, founded in 1931, whose main faculties include the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Fine Arts, and the Faculty of Music.
The Russian State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg), also known as Herzen University, founded in 1797, has a history of more than 200 years, is a world-renowned pedagogical university, is the oldest in Russia, and is the only pedagogical university with the name of the Russian state. There are many Chinese students studying in the Department of Languages and Literature, including those who study Russian literature and those who study foreign languages, such as German, French and English, or study one of these languages and the other as a second language, so that they can master three foreign languages to adapt to the international era. The school's music and art have a history of about two hundred years, and their standards are among the best in Russia, but the school focuses on the teaching angle.
Omsk State Pedagogical University was founded in 1932 and offers undergraduate, graduate, associate, and doctoral degree education in the development of translational psychology, social education, academic counseling education, organizational psychology education, rehabilitation education for the disabled, science education, environment, chemistry, and biology.
Perm State Technical University is a leading Russian technical university, founded in 1953 and located in the Perm Krai, offering bachelor's, specialist, master's, associate's and doctoral degree programs in applied mathematics and computer science, excavation, electrical engineering, metallurgy, applied mechanics, mechanical technology and equipment, technical equipment and industrial automation engineering, automation and control, chemical technology and biotechnology, architecture, etc.
The Greek Content Platform for Digital Education (D School) is a site created by the Greek Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture and Sport to provide teachers and students with a wealth of learning resources, "Digital School" contains all the curricula of Greek primary and secondary schools.
The Greek Digital School offers not only the teaching curriculum but also Provides interactive textbooks, learning knowledge base, educational videos, educational software, etc. Over 100 textbooks and rich interactive digital teaching materials, all books for secondary school students, which include student books, brochures, educational books, etc. and can be printed as PDF paper files.
Ionian University is a public university in Greece, founded in 1984, located in the city of Kerkyra, and opened in 1985, with departments of History, Foreign Languages, and Computer Science.
The website is the official website of the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs of Greece, which provides information about the institution, school settings, educational system, scholarships, research and development, educational news, etc. The website is available in Greek and English. The website is available in Greek and English. Greece has a 9-year compulsory education system with free public elementary and secondary schools and scholarships for universities. The famous universities include the University of Athens, the University of Thessaloniki, the University of Crete, the University of Patras, and the Athens School of Engineering.
IMI (International Hotel Management Institute Switzerland), Switzerland's top hotel management institute, aims to become the top hotel management school in Switzerland, located in the heart of Switzerland in Luzern ( IMI is located in Luzern, Switzerland, and offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees, with the Bachelor's degree being awarded jointly. The Institute's licensed partners include 、、、、 and others.
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